Re: copyright date

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 10:38:46 -0700

Jason Lee wrote on 03/25/2010 06:43 AM:
> On 3/24/10 7:13 PM, Ken Cavanaugh wrote:
>> I don't think Callabnet will ever support hg, but it probably doesn't
>> matter, because the current
>> plan is to re-host all of on the Kenai infrastructure, which
>> DOES support hg (and cvs, svn,
>> and I think git now as well). The first step will be to get
>> and all of its projects moved
>> to the Kenai infrastructure. A possible future switch of GlassFish to
>> hg is much further out,
>> and needs to be handled separately.
> That is my understanding as well. Based on what Jane said, it sounds
> like commit hooks aren't an option until we can get onto hg or git. We
> *can* do it client side, but it would require "wrapping" the subversion
> command, but that would require that everyone use the wrapper and not
> svn directly, which is pretty much guaranteed to work.
> A Maven mojo would work too, but that would require a developer to
> remember to run it, which is as error prone as the svn wrapper. I guess
> we could write a mojo that interrogates the svn state, finding all
> added/modified files and checks the license header as appropriate, then
> tie that into the lifecycle in the parent pom to some phase. That may
> have adverse effects on build times, though. :\

A hudson job that checks it after the fact is probably good enough,
if it has the ability to notify the person who made the mistake.