Re: copyright date

From: Jason Lee <>
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 08:43:03 -0500

On 3/24/10 7:13 PM, Ken Cavanaugh wrote:
> I don't think Callabnet will ever support hg, but it probably doesn't
> matter, because the current
> plan is to re-host all of on the Kenai infrastructure, which
> DOES support hg (and cvs, svn,
> and I think git now as well). The first step will be to get
> and all of its projects moved
> to the Kenai infrastructure. A possible future switch of GlassFish to
> hg is much further out,
> and needs to be handled separately.
That is my understanding as well. Based on what Jane said, it sounds
like commit hooks aren't an option until we can get onto hg or git. We
*can* do it client side, but it would require "wrapping" the subversion
command, but that would require that everyone use the wrapper and not
svn directly, which is pretty much guaranteed to work.

A Maven mojo would work too, but that would require a developer to
remember to run it, which is as error prone as the svn wrapper. I guess
we could write a mojo that interrogates the svn state, finding all
added/modified files and checks the license header as appropriate, then
tie that into the lifecycle in the parent pom to some phase. That may
have adverse effects on build times, though. :\

Jason Lee
Senior Member of Technical Staff
GlassFish Administration Console
Oracle Corporation
Phone x31197/+1 405-343-1964