Re: Moving Beyond Rails

From: Arun Gupta <Arun.Gupta_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 12 May 2008 06:55:55 -0700

Hi ab5tract,

Your wish is my command :)

Rack was announced at JavaOne last week and I plan to look at using it
for deployment in GlassFish in the next few days. Stay tuned for a blog
entry at:

Thanks for your comments on NetBeans and GlassFish.


Ceasless One wrote:
> First I'd like to say that I am a huge fan of what Sun has been doing in
> the JRuby realm. NetBeans 6.1 is without a doubt the best Ruby IDE, and
> JRuby is looking more and more like the target platform of choice when
> developing web apps in Ruby. The number one tractor app for jruby is
> without a doubt Glassfish.
> That being said, there is clear preferential treatment in Glassfish for
> Rails. When and where can I get a little information about setting
> glassfish up for a different framework? And no, I don't mean 'when will
> glassfish run merb'. I want to know when glassfish deployment will be
> trivial for any framework that runs on jruby. (If glassfish deployment
> became trivial for Ruby rack, this would cover just about every
> framework across the board). Is this the way Glassfish is going? or do
> you really wish to be tied to the tracks of Rails? Because I sure don't.
> ~ab5tract[:ceasless]~
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