Moving Beyond Rails

From: Ceasless One <>
Date: Tue, 6 May 2008 17:01:01 -0700 (PDT)
First I'd like to say that I am a huge fan of what Sun has been doing in the JRuby realm. NetBeans 6.1 is without a doubt the best Ruby IDE, and JRuby is looking more and more like the target platform of choice when developing web apps in Ruby. The number one tractor app for jruby is without a doubt Glassfish.

That being said, there is clear preferential treatment in Glassfish for Rails. When and where can I get a little information about setting glassfish up for a different framework? And no, I don't mean 'when will glassfish run merb'. I want to know when glassfish deployment will be trivial for any framework that runs on jruby. (If glassfish deployment became trivial for Ruby rack, this would cover just about every framework across the board). Is this the way Glassfish is going? or do you really wish to be tied to the tracks of Rails? Because I sure don't.


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