Re: Releasing the glassfish gem, or at least open-sourcing it enough for others

From: Charles Oliver Nutter <>
Date: Fri, 07 Sep 2007 10:44:32 -0500

Jerome Dochez wrote:
> So Kohsuke is fixing the last issue with pushing the gem out on our repo
> and being able to build it yourself. So worse case, people would have to
> download the gem from the web and install manually. this is not as nice
> as putting it on a gem repo but would that work for the time being ?
> I think we can get this done tomorrow.

Hey, public is public...if there's a downloadable gem, that's good
enough for me to give people a link. Eventually putting it in a repo
would be even better (and on RubyForge would make it trivial for people
to start adopting GF), but this is a great start.

- Charlie