Re: Weekly meeting to discuss V3 Building Issues Meeting Minutes: 9/19

From: Lloyd L Chambers <Lloyd.Chambers_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2007 09:12:25 -0700

My commment as a developer:

This changeover has huge drawbacks resulting in minimal benefits at
high cost, both in terms of delaying GlassFish and the very real cost
to Sun in impaired productivity.

On Sep 19, 2007, at 4:05 PM, Paul Sterk wrote:

> Attendees:
> Jerome, Abhijit, Paul, Kohsuke, Anissa, Siraj, Keith, Marina
> Minutes:
> scm status:
> No immediate resolution on which scm to use.
> cvs history : we still don't quite have a successful cvs history
> move to mercurial, at this point, we need to assume we would loose
> cvs history.
> ide tools : the IDE tools are still pretty basic (if any) and we
> cannot expect everyone outside to use Netbeans.
> Hg tools itself is still buggy (as reported by Paul) and difficult
> to install on some older Linux env.
> Infrastructure issues:
> no fisheye
> no support. if we have our own Hg server, how do we
> backup, authenticate (using IDs) and so on...
> training
> Consider having different modules on different scms as long as we
> can do binary integration.
> Get input from developers on the impact of losing history if we
> move directories in cvs.
> Figure out how to handle user ids if we use hg
> First: merge 9.1fcs into v3 prework branch: who will do this?
> ur1 needs to be merged. If we are still on CVS, merge onto trunk.
> This is TBD.
> Then wait for the scm choice before merging to trunk.
> How to verify sanity of v3 branch? Need to setup a sample of tests
> from different modules.
> Paul: working on automating th pe-base zip file. Plan is to use a
> new maven plugin that leverages ant targets.
> Terena needs to get the host setup.
> Need new maven plugins:
> Code checker
> FindBugs. Need to inform developers on how to run it.
> For those that need to commit to the v3 branch, we will decide if
> another branch will work.
> Paul