Re: Releasing the glassfish gem, or at least open-sourcing it enough for others

From: Jerome Dochez <Jerome.Dochez_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 05 Sep 2007 21:41:54 -0700

So Kohsuke is fixing the last issue with pushing the gem out on our
repo and being able to build it yourself. So worse case, people would
have to download the gem from the web and install manually. this is
not as nice as putting it on a gem repo but would that work for the
time being ?

I think we can get this done tomorrow.


On Sep 5, 2007, at 6:39 PM, Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:

> Jerome Dochez wrote:
>> as I said, once we resolve all remaining Hg glitches, yes.
> If we're serious about this and other Ruby gems, I agree that
> setting up a repository on would be a pretty good way
> to go, possibly with a push to the RubyForge repository.
> If I could lay down a drop-dead date for having something public,
> I'd probably say by middle of next week...we have RailsConf the
> following week and I'd like to get a chance to work out any
> remaining bugs in the GlassFish gem. To miss RailsConf would be a
> big opportunity gone, but to release something super buggy might be
> even worse.
> - Charlie
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