Re: javax.el bundled in JSP 2.1 API

From: Antonio Petrelli <>
Date: Wed, 23 May 2007 12:31:07 +0200

2007/5/18, Jan Luehe <>:
> Hi Antonio,
> the javax.el APIs are already available separately in the Maven
> repository at
> The separation from the JSP APIs was done as a result of this JSR 245
> Maintenance
> Review:

Just another question. In the maintenance release report, it is said
the standalone version is 1.1, while in the repository I find 1.0.
So I suppose that 1.1 is still under development. Where is the source then?
You know, I am currently collaborating with a javax.el implementation
(JUEL) and the main developer wants to access to the latest version of
the specification.

Thanks in advance