Re: javax.el bundled in JSP 2.1 API

From: Kin-man Chung <Kin-Man.Chung_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 23 May 2007 13:12:24 -0700

The EL in the repository actually contains the methods proposed in
the JSR245 MR1. When glassfish is FCS, it'll become 1.1. So for now
the EL in the repository can be used for JUEL development. The source
is in glassfish module servlet-api, in src/jsr245 directory.


On Wed, 2007-05-23 at 03:31, Antonio Petrelli wrote:
> 2007/5/18, Jan Luehe <>:
> > Hi Antonio,
> > the javax.el APIs are already available separately in the Maven
> > repository at
> >
> >
> >
> > The separation from the JSP APIs was done as a result of this JSR 245
> > Maintenance
> > Review:
> >
> >
> Just another question. In the maintenance release report, it is said
> the standalone version is 1.1, while in the repository I find 1.0.
> So I suppose that 1.1 is still under development. Where is the source then?
> You know, I am currently collaborating with a javax.el implementation
> (JUEL) and the main developer wants to access to the latest version of
> the specification.
> Thanks in advance
> Antonio
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