Re: Compiling Glassfish in Eclipse

From: Tom Ware <>
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2006 09:18:34 -0400

Hi Dinesh,

  I think that the instructions are good. A couple of comments.

3. - These are great instructions about how to check out the source, but
as a beginner, when I read these, I will always assume that I have to
checkout and build all of the source. When you want to work with the
entity-persistence module, you can fairly easily get away with just
checking out that module. Are there other modules like that in
GlassFish. If so, it might be a good idea to include either an
explanation of why you would choose to checkout all of GlassFish vs. a
single module.

4. Same comment. Some guidance about why you would choose to do
bootstrap vs. bootstrap-all would be good.

6. Some suggestions about when I would choose to clean, clobber or
clean-config would be a good idea.


Checking out the quicklook tests is covered by step 8. The
entity-persistence-tests module is another module that is not
automatically checked out by the checkout command. Are there others.
It might be a good idea to acknowledge the fact that these types of
modules exist. It might also be a good idea to either include a list of
modules and their purposes or link to a page that has that.


Dinesh Patil wrote:

> Updated the GlassFish Build Quickstart instructions on gfwiki as
> below, and cleaned up existing Build Instructions
> <> also.
> So please let me know if you have any comments/suggestions about
> making this more usable/simple..
> thanks
> Dinesh
> Markus KARG wrote:
>>Dinesh Patil wrote:
>>>Markus KARG wrote:
>>>>Thanks a lot for your kind help.
>>>>In fact I now was able to build Glassfish. :-)
>>>>So the next step is to install it and let it run, so I can check whether
>>>>my MaxDB modifications would work correctly.
>>>>Can you please give me instructions on that?
>>>You can take a look at the maven goals supported in GlassFish:
>>>For testing your changes, you can run "maven configure-runtime" for
>>>configuring Single Instance Domain, or "maven configure-cluster" for
>>>clusterd Domain, and start the domain using
>>>"${glassfish.home}/publish/glassfish/bin/asadmin start-domain
>>>--adminuser admin domain1"
>>thanks a lot, I just removed "--adminuser admin domain1" and then
>>Glassfish started up!
>>Great, now I can start making my changes (finally). ;-)
>>Thanks a lot!