Re: Wanted: Improving the Maven story for GlassFish...

From: Craig McClanahan <Craig.McClanahan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2006 11:11:36 -0700

Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote:
> We just pushed a few more components to our maven repository (see
> and we will continue adding components, and I expect that, as part of
> GlassFish v2, we will normalize and automate the creation of these
> components.
> The intention is to make this repository serve the larger Java
> Community. This is something that, over the years, Sun has been asked
> to do, and now, with the Open Source focus, we can deliver on. I have
> already seen people starting to use javamail and activation from
> there, and I think it would be useful to spend some energy in making
> the repository as useful as possible.
> Probably the first thing to do is to start collecting ideas of what
> needs to be done. By my tally we have:
> Components
> JavaPersistence API, TopLink Essentials,
> JSTL 1.2, JSP 2.0, Servlet 2.4, JSF 1.1, JSF 1.2
> FastInfoset, XMLStream
> JavaMail
> Java Activation Framework
> Relatives
> Facelets
Is there a policy on what "relatives" we'd be willing to host? The
maven-repository home page implies any hosted project could use
this ... betcha lots of project owners do not know that.

> Tools GF uses
> Japex
> Dalma
> What components are clearly missing? Bill was talking about doing a
> javaee.jar just for the APIs. I noticed that JAX-RPC seems missing
> and that should be easy to add, so I just sent a ping to Doug about it.
All of the Java EE 5 APIs should be there (I'm in particular need of
Servlet 2.5, JSP 2.1, and the new EL API).

My gut says Maven-oriented developers will prefer fine grained
dependencies on the point APIs, rather than a global dependency on
javaee.jar (although people targeting Glassfish as a platform might like
the combined one as well, for convenience in building POMs).
> What else should we do? Some thoughts...
> * We need a better index than the blogs at TA... :-)
> * Regular announcements somewhere (including the Maven USERS mailing
> list)
> * Synchronization with ibiblio?
> * Better integration with NB/Eclipse support?
> What else?
One technical aspect is that the infrastructure for this repository is
based on https: rather than http:. In addition to making transactions
slower than they would otherwise be, Maven seems to have problems
accessing https repositories through a proxy (such as from behind the
Sun firewall). Synchronizing to ibiblio would deal with this, as well
as reduce configuration setup of having to specify the repository.

A second technical aspect that doesn't need to be addressed urgently,
but should be considered for the future, is that we're using the legacy
(Maven1) organizational format. The Maven2 organization seems more
> Who has expertise in this area? Volunteers to help?
I'm something of a Maven newbie (Shale's build is in the process of
being switched over to Maven2), but I'm willing to do whatever I can to
> - eduard/o