Re: Wanted: Improving the Maven story for GlassFish...

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2006 22:40:56 -0700

Craig McClanahan wrote:
> Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote:
> Is there a policy on what "relatives" we'd be willing to host? The
> maven-repository home page implies any hosted project could use
> this ... betcha lots of project owners do not know that.

The repository is open to anybody. I was just listing the components
that are in the neighborhood of Project GlassFish.

> My gut says Maven-oriented developers will prefer fine grained
> dependencies on the point APIs, rather than a global dependency on
> javaee.jar (although people targeting Glassfish as a platform might like
> the combined one as well, for convenience in building POMs).

I agree on both count...

>> What else should we do? Some thoughts...
>> * We need a better index than the blogs at TA... :-)
>> * Regular announcements somewhere (including the Maven USERS mailing
>> list)
>> * Synchronization with ibiblio?
>> * Better integration with NB/Eclipse support?
>> What else?
> One technical aspect is that the infrastructure for this repository is
> based on https: rather than http:.

I really dislike the way that Java.Net forces us to use https in those
pages... I've brought this up several times to the Java.Net folks... I
can try one more time.

> In addition to making transactions
> slower than they would otherwise be, Maven seems to have problems
> accessing https repositories through a proxy (such as from behind the
> Sun firewall). Synchronizing to ibiblio would deal with this, as well
> as reduce configuration setup of having to specify the repository.
> A second technical aspect that doesn't need to be addressed urgently,
> but should be considered for the future, is that we're using the legacy
> (Maven1) organizational format. The Maven2 organization seems more
> scalable.
>> Who has expertise in this area? Volunteers to help?
> I'm something of a Maven newbie (Shale's build is in the process of
> being switched over to Maven2), but I'm willing to do whatever I can to
> help.

Thanks! Let me collect a few more candidates. During JavaOne I talked
with one of the Maven developers and they seemed willing to help too.
Maybe we can put together a group to work on this.

        - eduard/o