Re: Glassfish Build Process Feedback/Enhancements

From: Matthew L Daniel <>
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 23:10:03 -0500

> 2) If we're not using all/some of the Maven 2.0 features, like
> install/docs/build/jars etc, Ant is an easier/cleaner solution. This can
> easily be driven by Netbeans/Eclipse without any plug in to download.

And if that is the environment that Sun and the Glassfish community
believes in going forward, I'm all for it. I love M2 - it fits my needs
and removes a lot of explanation time when we get a new developer, but
it's not the hammer for all nails.

My biggest point is ...

> Use the Maven 2.0 Ant task, which can be downloaded from:

pick one or the other, because trying to split them ends up costing both
camps. I felt betrayed when I first saw the M2 team pushing that plugin
(ant). I _do_ understand its role in legacy migration, but I do not
support using it for a platform upon which one builds a future.

> 3) Migrate from maven 1.0.2 to maven 1.1. Continue either with the
> current mixed maven/ant approach , or replace ant by using maven.

I have not hear good things about M1.1. At least M1 is consistently
broken in the known ways and one can work with it.

  Again, these are my opinions,
  -- /v\atthew