Re: appserv-addons maven.xml

From: Matthew L Daniel <>
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 22:47:26 -0400

> Yes you can:

I am certain this is just an email misunderstanding, but my original
complaint was that _maven.xml_ does not support the extend tag. I know,
and agree with the POM (project.xml in Maven 1.x) having an extend tag
if the projects are actually related to one another.

One of the interesting points to come out of all the Maven 2 discussions
is their encouragement of refactoring functionality out of maven.xml and
into plugins. Again, I defer to those more experienced than myself with
the current build system and its goals, but keeping that in mind may
ease the transition away from ant and would certainly help with all this
maven.xml inheritance business.

> For your issue, I will take a look why only appserv-addons is broken
> (since it is a new module).

There seems to be something magic about the inter-SWAN build environment,
or something peculiar about mine, since I have to use the bootstrap-all
patch I posted earlier in order for my nightly builds to work.

I have tried to be soft about reporting those issues, since I want to
understand the differences, not lay blame. I can just attest how painful
it is for The New Guy(tm) to join a project, and want to capture all
these hiccups so maybe they won't be such a turn off for the next time.

  I appreciate you looking into these items,
  -- /v\atthew