Re: appserv-addons maven.xml

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 09:47:03 -0400

Matthew L Daniel wrote:
>>Yes you can:
> I am certain this is just an email misunderstanding, but my original
> complaint was that _maven.xml_ does not support the extend tag.

You are probably right, except I've saw the tag printed on the output
log, so wrongly assumed it was working.

  I know,
> and agree with the POM (project.xml in Maven 1.x) having an extend tag
> if the projects are actually related to one another.
> One of the interesting points to come out of all the Maven 2 discussions
> is their encouragement of refactoring functionality out of maven.xml and
> into plugins. Again, I defer to those more experienced than myself with
> the current build system and its goals, but keeping that in mind may
> ease the transition away from ant and would certainly help with all this
> maven.xml inheritance business.

Not only for Maven 2.0. Before we released Glassfish, we have discussed
the problematic way we were using Maven (we are aware it is not the
right way, and we have discussed the issue several time). i.e. having to
use maven.xml to invoke ant. Note that even when we invoke Ant directly,
we faced serious problem:

So having maven.xml was the only workaround we have found. The goal was
to have a worskpace that doesn't use any native utils (gmake, sh, etc.)
so new user only have to install maven & java. The bootstrap goal is
another "anti-maven" way, but we decided to go that way first.
Currently, Maven is usefull only for synchronizing dependencies.

If we have decided to go with the Maven pure way, we would have delayed
the project for a couples of months :-)

>>For your issue, I will take a look why only appserv-addons is broken
>>(since it is a new module).
> There seems to be something magic about the inter-SWAN build environment,
> or something peculiar about mine, since I have to use the bootstrap-all
> patch I posted earlier in order for my nightly builds to work.

Yes Dinesh is looking at this right now.

> I have tried to be soft about reporting those issues, since I want to
> understand the differences, not lay blame. I can just attest how painful
> it is for The New Guy(tm) to join a project, and want to capture all
> these hiccups so maybe they won't be such a turn off for the next time.

I fully understand and appreciate your contribution. Note that the New
Guy(tm) is joining a New Project(tm), which is far from perfect (but
should be soon :-) :-))


-- Jeanfrancois

> I appreciate you looking into these items,
> -- /v\atthew
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