On Aug 12, 2005, at 9:13 AM, Thomas Skjølberg wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been looking through the FIME source and have some questions/
> remarks. It is a lot of code and I'm looking forward to seeing it
> in action:)
> First of all the source does not compile, due to some imports that
> are not included and/or classes that do not exist in CLDC. I'd like
> the imports included as source code or as a library jar in some form.
I checked necessary classes from SAX API in the CVS repository, so
now all you need in order to build FIME is StAX ME. Please refer to
readme.txt in FIME module.
> As for the classes/interfaces that does not exist in CLDC (Map,
> List, etc), obiously one needs to change the FI code or start
> deleting more FIME classes. I guess some of the J2SE interfaces may
> be implemented using CLDC Vector/HashTable/Enumerator but I don't
> know how smart that would be. So what is 'the plan'? What is the
> preformance gain of using J2SE Map/List etc over normal Hashtable/
> Enumerator/Vector in the J2SE FI?
I'm slightly confused with your question because FIME doesn't depend
on Java Collection Framework. FIME has been developed from FISE, and
what I've done for that is removing all the usages of Java Collection
Framework and replace with classic Vector and Hashtable. Therefore,
I have no plan regarding your point and the question about Java SE is
irrelevant to FIME.
> I dont see SAX and DOM in the FIME dir but I guess thats coming. As
> StAX, are all 'optional' features going to be supported? If not
> which will be unsupport? Do we need the 'factory' classes?
I have no roadmap for SAX and DOM. If you want them, it would be very
nice to have your contribution. One thing I'd like to note is that
Apache Mirae has a SAX ME implementation compliant with the JSR 172
standard. On the other hand, DOM ME is going to be defined in a new
JSR, 280. Please take this into your consideration in case you wish
to build your work on Java standards. Regarding FIME StAX, all the
supported features are the same of those of FISE, so please refer to
FISE StAX. You can have a (modified) factory, but the current FIME
StAX is not supported in that way. In order to use a standard Factory
in obtaining FIME StAX readers or writers, you need to write more
code to the existing Factory (or just a new Factory).
> Why do you use _ as variable prefixes in some classes? I'd like to
> see more descriptive variable names (for instance there is a
> variable called "_s" in Encoder.java).
That's because FISE does that :-)
> What are your thoughts on optimizing the application for J2ME? And
> what is the 'target' platform as in cpu/memory? I am going to set
> up testing on different devices (Z800, Nokia 6680, K700, K750 and
> more) and see how things actually preform.
You mean "FIME" by "the application"? Optimization has many aspects
indeed. The main reason I wrote FIME from FISE is to seek for a
possibility to make FI come true on Java ME and I ensured that it
worked. This workability is a basis for FIME's future, and we have to
research on enhancing FIME.
FIME is built for CLDC 1.1, however, I'm not sure whether FIME works
nice on the very limited configuration. Probably we can make some
recommendation about the target or required platform for FIME after
the testing.
Thank you for your interest,
> Cheers,
> Thomas
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