Re: FI for microjava - IaS

From: Thomas Skjølberg <>
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 12:31:23 +0200

On Fri, 12 Aug 2005 07:26:08 +0200, Changshin Lee <>

> On Aug 12, 2005, at 9:13 AM, Thomas Skjølberg wrote:
> I checked necessary classes from SAX API in the CVS repository, so now
> all you need in order to build FIME is StAX ME. Please refer to
> readme.txt in FIME module.

My current build problems are:

import org.apache.mirae.util.CharacterUtil missing in

interface javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext (several places in
com.sun.xml.fime.stax package) is not j2me compatible (enumeration vs
Iterator) and should be renamed.

classes staxinputfactory and staxoutfactory do not compile because they
implement non-j2me-compatible 'factory' inferfaces. Several final strings
 from those two classes need to be moved as factory classes are deleted.

javax.xml package issue:
midp 2.0 does not permit user-defined system classes; this apparently also
applies to javax.xml (quick google:

If there is a StAX-ME library please include it in the FIME dir.
>> As for the classes/interfaces that does not exist in CLDC (Map, List,
>> etc), obiously one needs to change the FI code or start deleting more
>> FIME classes. I guess some of the J2SE interfaces may be implemented
>> using CLDC Vector/HashTable/Enumerator but I don't know how smart that
>> would be. So what is 'the plan'? What is the preformance gain of using
>> J2SE Map/List etc over normal Hashtable/Enumerator/Vector in the J2SE
>> FI?
> I'm slightly confused with your question because FIME doesn't depend on
> Java Collection Framework. FIME has been developed from FISE, and what
> I've done for that is removing all the usages of Java Collection
> Framework and replace with classic Vector and Hashtable. Therefore, I
> have no plan regarding your point and the question about Java SE is
> irrelevant to FIME.

Ok, then I guess changing the J2SE code to make if J2ME compatible is out
of the question (*)

> Regarding FIME StAX, all the supported features are the same of those of
> FISE, so please refer to FISE StAX.

(*) so that improvements in FISE will have to be manually propagated to
FIME. I'd for one like to see support for StAX Location, however I unsure
how compression complicates things.

> This workability is a basis for FIME's future, and we have to research
> on enhancing FIME.

Is there a forum for that? I'd like to work on integers instead of
strings. Also, I need to skip sub trees like a mad man.

I'm a little surprised by all the 'xxxArray' classes in the util package.
Why are there so many? When I first read about FI I thought that it would
be all about String arrays.

