FI for microjava - IaS

From: Thomas Skjølberg <>
Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2005 02:13:44 +0200


I've been looking through the FIME source and have some questions/remarks.
It is a lot of code and I'm looking forward to seeing it in action:)

First of all the source does not compile, due to some imports that are not
included and/or classes that do not exist in CLDC. I'd like the imports
included as source code or as a library jar in some form.

As for the classes/interfaces that does not exist in CLDC (Map, List,
etc), obiously one needs to change the FI code or start deleting more FIME
classes. I guess some of the J2SE interfaces may be implemented using CLDC
Vector/HashTable/Enumerator but I don't know how smart that would be. So
what is 'the plan'? What is the preformance gain of using J2SE Map/List
etc over normal Hashtable/Enumerator/Vector in the J2SE FI?

I dont see SAX and DOM in the FIME dir but I guess thats coming. As StAX,
are all 'optional' features going to be supported? If not which will be
unsupport? Do we need the 'factory' classes?

Why do you use _ as variable prefixes in some classes? I'd like to see
more descriptive variable names (for instance there is a variable called
"_s" in

What are your thoughts on optimizing the application for J2ME? And what is
the 'target' platform as in cpu/memory? I am going to set up testing on
different devices (Z800, Nokia 6680, K700, K750 and more) and see how
things actually preform.

