Re: JAXB and of base64 data and FI

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2005 17:16:39 +0200


I have a working version of FI integrated with support for base64 data.
Attached are the files i modified.

For testing purposes i hacked the Marhsaller/UnmarshallerImpl classes to
check for specific instances of FI related classes. It is working for a
simple schema containing base64 data.

The implementations are currently very specific to the Base64Data class
and will not scale very well when supporting a number of different data
types. We will need a better way to supports types (single instances and
in certain cases arrays of) for both serializing and parsing in the future

The FastInfosetConnector class is currently FI StAX specific. In the
future it does not have to be. I can see how to optimize specifically
for JAXB e.g. to avoid buffering until the end of the element, and not
to decode stuff like comments and PI which can be just skipped.

The FI marshalling is explicitly StAX specific the moment and inherits a
lot from the XMLStreamWriterOutput. Again this does not have to be the
case in the future. I have a prototype for a FastInfosetXmlOutput (which
does not support the serializing of non bound data at the moment) and
this could be instantiated from the same method that instantiates a
UTF-8 and EXC14N serializer given a certain property on the context.

The serializing side of things should be quite stable as most code is
rused. The parsing side may be less so because it is new code. I am not
sure how best we can test both the parser and serializer. Can existing
JAXB tests be used with FI?


| ? + ? = To question
    Paul Sandoz