Re: Mirae MIME + JWSDP 1.6 FISE interoperate!

From: Changshin Lee <>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 11:24:13 +0100

Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote:

> Hi Ias.
> This is very cool! What about posting an announcement about it?
> Either now or later when you get it into an actual device.

Sure, It's my pleasure, too. What I'm thinking of when the announcement
is going to be made is

StAX ME -> Apache Mirae
Java ME StAX-FI-WS (Web Services) -> Apache Mirae

are checked in. I hope it can be done by this weekend.

> To post an announcement you would go to the annoucement link on the
> left pane of and use the web interface. Since
> you are not an owner in the FI project one of us will have to approve
> the announcement. Announcements are aggregated, so the subject of the
> announcement should not assume that the reader knows this is an FI
> announcement; something like your subject line is appropriate -
> although a bit cryptic. Annoncements are usually quite short but you
> can have links to other things, and you can use this to add a link to
> your ApacheCon presentation.

That's a very good idea. I'll add all the useful links to the announcement.

> Waiting a bit can also be OK, but at some point I'd like to have the
> announcement. These announcements go to the announcement list for the
> FI project, but they are also available in the web interface. The
> biggest use, though, is that there is an RSS feed associated to this,
> which is aggregated in different places and it is also fed directly
> into the home page for the Java WS & XML community at [and
> consumed directly by others]

Thank you,


> - eduard/o
> Changshin Lee wrote:
>> I'm so glad to announce that the HelloWorld sample that Arun kindly
>> provided and its Mirae client communicate with each other
>> successfully over Fast Infoset. Thank all of you for helping me to
>> achieve this. Although the client can't run on my phone, I believe it
>> can work on some high-end device.
>> Cheers,
>> Ias
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