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Design-Time Tools

Paint Palette, Hammer


The design-time tools provided by JDeveloper aid you with visual, declarative, and guided-code functionality to utilize the underlying runtime framework and J2EE architecture. For example, if you work with the following technologies, provided by Oracle ADF, you are relieved entirely of the need to code to the J2EE design patterns:

  • On the presentation tier: Oracle's web application technology, known as Oracle ADF UIX, offers its own set of UI components; for Java standalone applications, standard Swing UI components comprise the Java client

  • On the business tier: ADF Business Components view objects

  • On the integration tier: ADF Business Components entity objects

bullet Visual Tools for the Framework

The following key design-time tools address the visualization requirements of J2EE application developers, while providing full support for the separation of model, view, and controller layers:

  • A UML modeler, for quickly creating and visualizing the business services in your application's model layer project

  • A page flow diagram (for Struts-based web applications), for ordering and visualizing the controller layer pages and events that execute in the Struts web controller

  • Visual editors, for arranging and editing the elements of the view layer whether JSP pages, UIX XML pages, or Oracle ADF JClient panels for Swing controls

  • A Data Control Palette, for dragging visual elements onto the page or panel while providing access to the data and actions that your business services define

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