Extension SDK 10.1.2

Uses of Class

Packages that use NumberRange
oracle.javatools.editor The Editor package is a basic framework for an editor component with syntax highlighting capabilities, built on top of the Swing text framework. 
oracle.javatools.editor.language The Language package is a subset of the Editor package, and is the framework for extending the editor with color syntax highlighting, brace matching, and other language or content-specific editing features. 

Uses of NumberRange in oracle.javatools.editor

Methods in oracle.javatools.editor that return NumberRange
protected  NumberRange BasicDocument.getComposedTextRange()
          Fetch the current range of composed text input - this is generally uncommitted text.

Uses of NumberRange in oracle.javatools.editor.language

Methods in oracle.javatools.editor.language with parameters of type NumberRange
 int GenericBraceProvider.isPartOfBrace(int offset, NumberRange braceLocation)
          Determines whether the character at the given offset is considered a brace or part of a brace in this language.
 int GenericBraceProvider.findMatchingBrace(int braceType, NumberRange braceLocation, NumberRange matchingLocation)
          Finds the brace matching the given brace identified by isPartOfBrace().
 int BraceProvider.isPartOfBrace(int offset, NumberRange braceLocation)
          Determines whether the character at the given offset is considered a brace (such as '(', '[', or '{' in Java) or part of a brace in this language.
 int BraceProvider.findMatchingBrace(int braceType, NumberRange braceLocation, NumberRange matchingLocation)
          Finds the brace matching the given brace identified by isPartOfBrace().
 void DocumentRenderer.calculateDamage(javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent changes, NumberRange damageRange)
          Calculates what range of the document is "damaged" or needs to be repainted based on a given insert or removal of text.
 void AbstractDocumentRenderer.calculateDamage(javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent changes, NumberRange damageRange)
          Calculates what range of the document is "damaged" or needs to be repainted based on a given insert or removal of text.
 void LexerDocumentRenderer.calculateDamage(javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent changes, NumberRange damageRange)
          Calculates what range of the document is "damaged" or needs to be repainted based on a given insert or removal of text.

Extension SDK


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