Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01

Uses of Class

Packages that use ViewRowImpl
oracle.jbo.server Contains the implementation of middle tier components. 

Uses of ViewRowImpl in oracle.jbo.server

Subclasses of ViewRowImpl in oracle.jbo.server
 class EJBEntityImpl

Methods in oracle.jbo.server that return ViewRowImpl
 ViewRowImpl ViewRowSetImpl.makeRowCopy(ViewRowImpl vr)
 ViewRowImpl ViewObjectImpl.createInstance(ViewRowSetImpl viewRowSet, AttributeList attrValList)
          Creates a view row instance.
 ViewRowImpl ViewObjectImpl.createInstanceFromResultSet(QueryCollection qc, java.sql.ResultSet resultSet)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
protected  ViewRowImpl ViewObjectImpl.createNewRowForCollection(java.lang.Object qc)
protected  ViewRowImpl ViewObjectImpl.createRowFromResultSet(java.lang.Object qc, java.sql.ResultSet resultSet)
protected  ViewRowImpl ViewObjectImpl.handleActivatedRowNotFound(Key k)
          Applications should override this method and create a new row if they want to "own" management of a row that was not found during this VOs activation.
protected  ViewRowImpl ViewObjectImpl.activateCurrentRow(ViewRowSetIteratorImpl vrsi, ViewRowSetImpl vrs, Key key)
          Override this to provide custom current row lookup.

Methods in oracle.jbo.server with parameters of type ViewRowImpl
 ViewRowImpl ViewRowSetImpl.makeRowCopy(ViewRowImpl vr)
protected  boolean ViewObjectImpl.rowQualifies(ViewRowImpl vr)
protected  void ViewObjectImpl.populateAttributeForRow(ViewRowImpl row, int index, java.lang.Object value)
protected  void ViewObjectImpl.passivateState(ViewRowImpl currentRow, Document doc, Element parent)
          Allows subclasses to store custom data as XML-nodes under the given parent element, in the given document.
protected  void ViewObjectImpl.passivateState(ViewRowSetImpl vrs, ViewRowImpl currentRow, Document doc, Element parent)
          Override this to store custom data as XML-nodes for the given ViewRowSetImpl.
protected  void ViewObjectImpl.passivateTransients(ViewRowImpl currentRow, AttributeDefImpl[] attrs, Document doc, Element parent)
          Deprecated. since use passivateTransients(ViewRowSetImpl vrs...)
protected  void ViewObjectImpl.passivateTransients(ViewRowSetImpl vrs, ViewRowImpl currentRow, AttributeDefImpl[] attrs, Document doc, Element parent)
          Stores the attributes from the given array for either just the current row or all the rows in the given ViewRowSet into the given parent xml node.
protected  void ViewObjectImpl.activateTransientAttribute(ViewRowImpl row, Node transRow, AttributeDefImpl ad)
          Override this method if activation of a transient attribute needs to also set/populate/ calculate some dependent attributes.
protected  void ViewObjectImpl.activateState(ViewRowImpl currentRow, Element parent)
          Deprecated. since use activateState(ViewRowSetImpl vrs...)
protected  void ViewObjectImpl.activateState(ViewRowSetImpl vrs, ViewRowImpl currentRow, Element parent)
          Deprecated. since use activateState(ViewRowSetImpl vrs...)
 boolean RowQualifier.rowQualifies(ViewRowImpl row)
protected  void QueryCollection.removeReference(ViewRowImpl row, EntityImpl entity)
          Remove entity references, i.e, set references to null
protected  void QueryCollection.updateReference(ViewRowImpl row, EntityImpl entity, int entityIndex)
          Set reference entity based on foreign keys
 java.lang.Object[] QueryCollection.getFilterParamValues(ViewRowImpl viewRow, java.lang.Object[] newVals, int[] newValIndices)

Uses of ViewRowImpl in oracle.jbo.server.ejb.facade

Methods in oracle.jbo.server.ejb.facade that return ViewRowImpl
protected  ViewRowImpl FinderViewImpl.createRowFromResultSet(java.lang.Object qc, java.sql.ResultSet resultSet)
          Overrides the base implementation of createRowFromResultSet(Object, java.sql.ResultSet).

Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01


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