Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01

Uses of Interface

Packages that use RowSetManagementListener
oracle.adf.model.binding Contains the abstract implementation of ADFm binding objects. 
oracle.jbo Contains interfaces for client-side applications. 
oracle.jbo.common Contains the implementation of components shared by thin clients and the middle tier.   
oracle.jbo.server Contains the implementation of middle tier components. 
oracle.jbo.uicli.binding Contains JClient classes that handle interaction with BC4J objects for various JClient bindings. 
oracle.jbo.uicli.jui Contains JClient classes that implement binding of Swing controls with BC4J ViewObject, Attributes or Rows. 

Uses of RowSetManagementListener in oracle.adf.model.binding

Classes in oracle.adf.model.binding that implement RowSetManagementListener
 class DCIteratorBinding
          DCIteratorBinding is the binding class that interacts with RowIterator objects to iterate over rows and provide the current row(s) for use in a client application or to view via various control bindings.

Uses of RowSetManagementListener in oracle.jbo

Methods in oracle.jbo with parameters of type RowSetManagementListener
 void RowSetIterator.addManagementListener(RowSetManagementListener listener)
          Adds a subscriber (listener) to be notified of RowSetManagementListener events generated by this Row Set Iterator.
 void RowSetIterator.removeManagementListener(RowSetManagementListener listener)
          Removes a subscriber (listener) for RowSetManagementListener events generated by this row set iterator.

Uses of RowSetManagementListener in oracle.jbo.client.remote

Methods in oracle.jbo.client.remote with parameters of type RowSetManagementListener
 void ViewUsageImpl.addManagementListener(RowSetManagementListener target)
 void ViewUsageImpl.removeManagementListener(RowSetManagementListener target)

Uses of RowSetManagementListener in oracle.jbo.common

Methods in oracle.jbo.common with parameters of type RowSetManagementListener
 void RowSetHelper.addManagementListener(RowSetManagementListener target)
 void RowSetHelper.removeManagementListener(RowSetManagementListener target)

Uses of RowSetManagementListener in

Methods in with parameters of type RowSetManagementListener
 void WSRowSetIteratorBase.addManagementListener(RowSetManagementListener listener)
 void WSRowSetIteratorBase.removeManagementListener(RowSetManagementListener listener)

Uses of RowSetManagementListener in oracle.jbo.server

Methods in oracle.jbo.server with parameters of type RowSetManagementListener
 void ViewRowSetImpl.addManagementListener(RowSetManagementListener listener)
 void ViewRowSetImpl.removeManagementListener(RowSetManagementListener listener)
 void ViewRowSetImpl.addRowSetManagementListener(RowSetManagementListener listener)
 void ViewRowSetImpl.removeRowSetManagementListener(RowSetManagementListener listener)
 void ViewObjectImpl.addManagementListener(RowSetManagementListener listener)
 void ViewObjectImpl.removeManagementListener(RowSetManagementListener listener)

Uses of RowSetManagementListener in oracle.jbo.server.remote

Classes in oracle.jbo.server.remote that implement RowSetManagementListener
 class RuntimeViewRowSetIteratorInfo
          Store and maintain information about a RowSetIterator used by the Client Services.

Uses of RowSetManagementListener in oracle.jbo.uicli.binding

Classes in oracle.jbo.uicli.binding that implement RowSetManagementListener
 class JUCtrlBoolBinding
          Implements data binding support for controls that allow only one of two values, like a checkbox.
 class JUCtrlListBinding
          A JUCtrlAttrsBinding class responsible displaying a list of values from a static list or a list calculated at runtime using another BC4J ViewObject/RowIterator.
 class JUIteratorBinding
          JUIteratorBinding is the binding class that interacts with BC4J RowIterator objects to iterate over rows and provide the current row(s) to display to various control bindings.

Uses of RowSetManagementListener in oracle.jbo.uicli.jui

Classes in oracle.jbo.uicli.jui that implement RowSetManagementListener
 class JUButtonBinding
          Implements binding a Swing AbstractButton object with a BC4J attribute.
 class JUButtonGroupBinding
          Binds a group of buttons in a panel to an attribute in a ViewObject such that on selection of a given button, this binding works like a LOV binding or used to display an enumerated list for update.
 class JUComboBoxBinding
          Implements binding a Swing JComboBox to a BC4J Attribute or ViewObject or as an LOV (list of values).
 class JUListSingleSelBinding
          Implements binding a Swing JList (in single selection mode) to a BC4J Attribute, ViewObject, or as an LOV.
 class JULovButtonBinding
          Binds a JButton with an iterator such that on button action, an LOV dialog (either a framework default dialog or an application-specific one) is displayed; upon the dialog close, the current row from the associated iterator is used to update values of bound attributes in a target row of a target RowIterator.
 class JUSpinnerBinding
          Implements binding for JSpinner control.

Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01


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