Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01

Uses of Interface

Packages that use RowSet
oracle.jbo Contains interfaces for client-side applications. 
oracle.jbo.common Contains the implementation of components shared by thin clients and the middle tier.   
oracle.jbo.html.databeans Contains implementation classes for predefined Web-enabled JavaBeans which can access and display data from the data source. 
oracle.jbo.server Contains the implementation of middle tier components. 
oracle.jdeveloper.html Contains classes for generating HTML code. 

Uses of RowSet in oracle.adf.model.generic

Methods in oracle.adf.model.generic that return RowSet
 RowSet DCRowSetIteratorImpl.getRowSet()
 RowSet[] DCRowSetIteratorImpl.getDetailRowSets()
          Get all detail row sets.
 RowSet DCRowSetIteratorImpl.createDetailRowSet(java.lang.String rsName, java.lang.String linkDefName)
          Create a row set for the view link.

Uses of RowSet in oracle.jbo

Subinterfaces of RowSet in oracle.jbo
 interface ViewObject
          ViewObject decribes how the application will view and update data.

Methods in oracle.jbo that return RowSet
 RowSet ViewObject.createRowSet(java.lang.String name)
          Creates and returns a new (secondary) Row Ret for this View Object.
 RowSet[] ViewObject.getRowSets()
          Gets all Row Sets that belong to this View Object.
 RowSet ViewObject.findRowSet(java.lang.String rsName)
          Gets the named Row Set that was created at runtime for this View Object.
 RowSet RowSetIterator.getRowSet()
          Gets the Row Set that this Iterator belongs to.
 RowSet[] RowSetIterator.getDetailRowSets()
          Gets an array of detail Row Sets for which this Iterator is the master.
 RowSet RowSetIterator.createDetailRowSet(java.lang.String rsName, java.lang.String viewLinkDefName)
          Creates a detail Row Set.

Constructors in oracle.jbo with parameters of type RowSet
ViewLinkAlreadyExistsException(ViewLink vl, RowSetIterator masterRSI, RowSet detailRowSet)
          Constructs a new instance.
RowNotFoundException(RowSet rs, java.lang.Object hdl)
          Constructs a new instance when a row of a given row handle is not found in a RowSet.

Uses of RowSet in oracle.jbo.client

Methods in oracle.jbo.client with parameters of type RowSet
static java.lang.String JboUtil.getAttributeLabel(RowSet rs, AttributeDef attrDef)

Uses of RowSet in oracle.jbo.client.remote

Classes in oracle.jbo.client.remote that implement RowSet
 class ViewUsageImpl

Fields in oracle.jbo.client.remote declared as RowSet
protected  RowSet ViewUsageImpl.mDefaultRowSet

Methods in oracle.jbo.client.remote that return RowSet
 RowSet ViewUsageImpl.getRowSet()
 RowSet ViewUsageImpl.createRowSet(java.lang.String name)
 RowSet[] ViewUsageImpl.getRowSets()
          Get all Row Sets that belong to this View Object.
 RowSet ViewUsageImpl.findRowSet(java.lang.String name)
 RowSet[] ViewUsageImpl.getDetailRowSets()
          Get all detail Row Sets for this View Object.
 RowSet ViewUsageImpl.createDetailRowSet(java.lang.String voName, java.lang.String linkDefName)
          Create a row set for the view link.
protected  RowSet[] ApplicationModuleImpl.getRowSets(int voId)
protected  RowSet ApplicationModuleImpl.createDetailRowSet(int rsiId, java.lang.String rsName, java.lang.String vlDefName)
          Create a detail RowSet (ViewObject) using the name of a ViewObject class.
protected  RowSet[] ApplicationModuleImpl.getDetailRowSets(int rsiId)

Uses of RowSet in oracle.jbo.common

Subinterfaces of RowSet in oracle.jbo.common
 interface ViewObjectDynAttr

Methods in oracle.jbo.common with parameters of type RowSet
 void DataDocument.addRowSet(RowSet rs)

Uses of RowSet in

Subinterfaces of RowSet in
 interface WSRowSet

Classes in that implement RowSet
 class WSRowSetImpl
 class WSViewObjectImpl

Methods in that return RowSet
 RowSet WSViewObjectImpl.createRowSet(java.lang.String name)
 RowSet[] WSViewObjectImpl.getRowSets()
 RowSet WSViewObjectImpl.findRowSet(java.lang.String name)
 RowSet WSViewObjectImpl.getRowSet()
 RowSet[] WSViewObjectImpl.getDetailRowSets()
 RowSet WSViewObjectImpl.createDetailRowSet(java.lang.String rsName, java.lang.String linkDefName)
 RowSet WSRowSetIteratorImpl.getRowSet()
 RowSet[] WSRowSetIteratorImpl.getDetailRowSets()
 RowSet WSRowSetIteratorImpl.createDetailRowSet(java.lang.String rsName, java.lang.String linkDefName)
abstract  RowSet WSRowSetIteratorBase.getRowSet()
abstract  RowSet[] WSRowSetIteratorBase.getDetailRowSets()
abstract  RowSet WSRowSetIteratorBase.createDetailRowSet(java.lang.String rsName, java.lang.String linkDefName)
 RowSet WSRowSetImpl.getRowSet()
 RowSet[] WSRowSetImpl.getDetailRowSets()
 RowSet WSRowSetImpl.createDetailRowSet(java.lang.String rsName, java.lang.String linkDefName)

Uses of RowSet in oracle.jbo.html

Methods in oracle.jbo.html that return RowSet
 RowSet DataSourceImpl.getRowSet()
 RowSet DataSource.getRowSet()
          Return the RowSet instance of the ViewObject bind to this datasource.
 RowSet BindingContainerDataSource.getRowSet()

Methods in oracle.jbo.html with parameters of type RowSet
protected  void DataSourceImpl.setRowSet(RowSet rset)
static java.lang.String DataSourceImpl.getAttributeLabel(RowSet rs, AttributeDef aDef)
          Deprecated. Deprecated since 9.0.3. Instead, use JboUtil.getAttributeLabel(RowSet rs, AttributeDef attrDef).

Uses of RowSet in oracle.jbo.html.databeans

Methods in oracle.jbo.html.databeans with parameters of type RowSet
 void EditCurrentRecord.setRowSet(RowSet aQuery)
          Deprecated. Deprecated since 5.0. RowSet is now defined with the DataSource

Uses of RowSet in oracle.jbo.html.jsp.datatags

Fields in oracle.jbo.html.jsp.datatags declared as RowSet
protected  RowSet
protected  RowSet

Methods in oracle.jbo.html.jsp.datatags that return RowSet
 RowSet RowTag.getRowSet()

Uses of RowSet in oracle.jbo.server

Classes in oracle.jbo.server that implement RowSet
 class EntityRowSetImpl
          EntityRowSetImpl represents the ResultSet of an association.
 class ViewObjectImpl
          The implementation of the ViewObject interface, the middle-tier class that manages database queries and the view rows that result from executing queries.
 class ViewRowSetImpl
          The middle-tier class that manages collections of view rows that result from executing a query.

Methods in oracle.jbo.server that return RowSet
 RowSet ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.getRowSet()
          Returns this row set iterator's row set (interface).
 RowSet ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.createDetailRowSet(java.lang.String rsName, java.lang.String linkDefName)
          Creates a detail Row Set.
 RowSet[] ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.getDetailRowSets()
          Gets an array of detail Row Sets for which this Iterator is the master.
 RowSet ViewRowSetImpl.getRowSet()
          Implements RowSetIterator.getRowSet.
 RowSet[] ViewRowSetImpl.getDetailRowSets()
          Returns an array of all detail row sets for this row set iterator.
 RowSet ViewRowSetImpl.createDetailRowSet(java.lang.String rsName, java.lang.String linkDefName)
          Creates and returns an new detail row set for this row set iterator.
protected  RowSet ViewRowImpl.findAssociatedObjects(java.lang.String name)
          Finds Objects in a ViewRowSetImpl that follow the given association.
 RowSet ViewObjectImpl.getRowSet()
          Returns the View Object as a RowSet object.
 RowSet[] ViewObjectImpl.getDetailRowSets()
          Gets an array of detail Row Sets for which this Iterator is the master.
 RowSet ViewObjectImpl.createDetailRowSet(java.lang.String rsName, java.lang.String linkDefName)
          Creates a detail Row Set.
 RowSet ViewObjectImpl.createRowSet(java.lang.String name)
          Creates and returns a new (secondary) row set for this View Object.
 RowSet[] ViewObjectImpl.getRowSets()
          Get all Row Sets that belong to this view object.
 RowSet ViewObjectImpl.findRowSet(java.lang.String rsName)

Methods in oracle.jbo.server with parameters of type RowSet
protected  void ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.addDetailViewRowSet(RowSet detailRowSet)
protected  void ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.removeDetailViewRowSet(RowSet detailRowSet)
 java.lang.String SQLBuilder.getQueryHitCountSQL(RowSet rs)
 java.lang.String SQL92SQLBuilderImpl.getQueryHitCountSQL(RowSet rs)
 java.lang.String BaseSQLBuilderImpl.getQueryHitCountSQL(RowSet rs)

Uses of RowSet in oracle.jbo.server.ejb.facade

Classes in oracle.jbo.server.ejb.facade that implement RowSet
 class CmrAccessorEntRowSet
 class CmrAccessorViewImpl
 class CmrAccessorViewRowSet
 class FinderViewImpl
          Abstract base class for Finder-Based View Object.

Uses of RowSet in oracle.jbo.server.remote

Methods in oracle.jbo.server.remote with parameters of type RowSet
protected  ResponseValues ObjectMarshallerImpl.marshalRowSet(RowSet rowset)

Uses of RowSet in oracle.jbo.xsql

Methods in oracle.jbo.xsql with parameters of type RowSet
 void ViewObject.handleWhereIfPresentForRowSet(RowSet rs)

Uses of RowSet in oracle.jdeveloper.html

Fields in oracle.jdeveloper.html declared as RowSet
protected  RowSet PickList.qView

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.html that return RowSet
 RowSet DataWebBeanImpl.getRowSet()
          Returns the RowSet of the View Object used by the Web Bean object.
 RowSet DataWebBean.getRowSet()
          Returns the RowSet of the View Object used by the Web Bean object.

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.html with parameters of type RowSet
 void PickListContext.setDataSourceInfo(RowSet qView)
 void PickList.setDataSourceInfo(RowSet qView)
          Defines the data source information for the picklist
protected  java.lang.String HTMLFieldRendererImpl.getHTMLValue(Row row, RowSet rs, java.lang.String attrName)
 void DataWebBeanImpl.setRowSet(RowSet aQuery)
          Deprecated. Deprecated since 5.0. RowSet is now defined with the DataSource
 java.lang.String DataWebBeanImpl.getAttributeLabel(RowSet rs, AttributeDef aDef)
          Utility method for getting the attribute's label , the label is first located in the AttributeDEf and then in the RowSet VO's attribute list.
 void DataWebBean.setRowSet(RowSet aQuery)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01


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