Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01

Class DataWebBeanImpl

  extended byoracle.jdeveloper.html.WebBeanImpl
      extended byoracle.jdeveloper.html.DataWebBeanImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
DataWebBean, WebBean
Direct Known Subclasses:
DataWebBeanImpl, JSRowSetBrowser, JSTreeBrowser, JSViewCurrentRecord

public class DataWebBeanImpl
extends WebBeanImpl
implements DataWebBean

Implements the base methods for a Data Web Bean. Extend this class when you define a Web Bean that must access a data source and that does not need to extend another class.

Field Summary
protected  java.lang.String amName
protected  boolean bReleaseApplication
protected  java.util.Vector dispAttrs
protected  DataSource ds
Fields inherited from class oracle.jdeveloper.html.WebBeanImpl
application, bUsedInTag, out, page, request, response, session
Fields inherited from interface oracle.jdeveloper.html.WebBean
contentFrameName, defaultCaboBase, defaultCaboImageBase, defaultImageBase, defaultJSPBase, defaultNLSFormat, JS_LIBRARIES, JS_NAMEID, JSButtonConstructorLib, JSCalendarConstructorLib, JSContainerConstructorLib, JSDataConstructLib, JSModalPageConstructorLib, JSTableConstructLib, JSToolbarConstructorLib, JSTreeConstructLib, JSUtilitiesLib
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void clearDisplayAttributes()
          Clears the list of display attributes specified for the RowSet.
protected  ApplicationModule getApplicationFromContext()
          Use JSPApplicationRegistry.getAppModuleFromContexts , removed deprecation since no alternative is suggested
 java.lang.String getApplicationName()
          Returns the name of the Application Module's property file.
 java.lang.String getAttributeLabel(RowSet rs, AttributeDef aDef)
          Utility method for getting the attribute's label , the label is first located in the AttributeDEf and then in the RowSet VO's attribute list.
 AttributeDef[] getDisplayAttributeDefs()
          returns the array of attributes to be displayed, if the set is not constrained , it will return all of the attribute defs.
 java.util.Vector getDisplayAttributes()
          Returns a Hashtable containing the names of the attributes to be displayed.
 HTMLFieldRenderer getDisplayFieldRenderer(Row row, AttributeDef attrDef)
          Retrieves the default field renderer for a specified attribute definition (that is, the attribute metadata).
 HTMLFieldRenderer getEditFieldRenderer(Row row, AttributeDef attrDef)
          Retrieves the default field renderer for a specified attribute definition (that is, the attribute metadata).
 java.lang.String getRowKey(Row row)
 RowSet getRowSet()
          Returns the RowSet of the View Object used by the Web Bean object.
 java.lang.String getViewObjectName()
          Returns the name of the View Object to which this Data Web Bean is bound.
 void handleCommit()
          Handles commit logic properly reagrdles of stateful/stateless runtime mode.
 void initialize(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext page, java.lang.String sRowSet)
          Initializes this Data Web Bean object to: Access the page object of the JSP. Connect to a database through an Application Module and access a data source represented by one of the Application Module's View Objects.
 void initialize(javax.servlet.ServletContext application, javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out, java.lang.String sRowSet)
          Initializes this Data Web Bean object to: Access the important objects of the JSP: application, session, request, response, and out. Connect to a database through an Application Module and access a data source represented by one of the Application Module's View Objects.
 void initialize(javax.servlet.ServletContext application, javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, out, java.lang.String viewObjectFullName)
          Initializes this Data Web Bean object to: Access the important objects of the JSP: application, session, request, response, and out. Connect to a database through an Application Module and access a data source represented by one of the Application Module's View Objects.
 void internalInitialize()
          Internal initialize.
 boolean isAppStateful()
          Returns true if you are running in statefule mode
 void releaseApplicationResources()
          Releases any application resources associated with this request if setReleaseApplicationResources(true).
 void releaseApplicationResources(java.lang.String releaseMode)
          Release the data web beans application module with the specified release mode.
 void setDisplayAttributes(java.lang.String sAttrs)
          Sets the list of the RowSet's attributes that will be displayed.
 void setDisplayFieldRenderer(AttributeDef attrDef, HTMLFieldRenderer rdr)
          Assigns an instance-level display field renderer to be used in the DataWebBean
 void setDisplayFieldRenderer(int nIndex, HTMLFieldRenderer rdr)
          Assigns an instance-level display field renderer to be used in the DataWebBean
 void setEditFieldRenderer(AttributeDef attrDef, HTMLFieldRenderer rdr)
          Assigns an instance-level edit field renderer to be used in the DataWebBean
 void setEditFieldRenderer(int nIndex, HTMLFieldRenderer rdr)
          Assigns an instance-level edit field renderer to be used in the DataWebBean
 void setReleaseApplicationResources(boolean bRelease)
          Enables or disables the release of application resources associated with this request.
 void setRowSet(RowSet aQuery)
          Deprecated. Deprecated since 5.0. RowSet is now defined with the DataSource
 boolean shouldDisplayAttribute(AttributeDef attrDef)
          Checks whether an attribute should be displayed by a Web Bean.
Methods inherited from class oracle.jdeveloper.html.WebBeanImpl
generateScriptSrc, getCookie, getOut, getRequest, getRequestVariable, getRequestVariable, getUniqueName, initBeanForJS, initBeanForJS, initBeanForJS, initialize, initialize, initialize, render, render, setRequestVariable, setRequestVariable
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface oracle.jdeveloper.html.WebBean
initialize, initialize, render, render

Field Detail


protected DataSource ds


protected java.util.Vector dispAttrs


protected boolean bReleaseApplication


protected java.lang.String amName
Constructor Detail


public DataWebBeanImpl()
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getApplicationName()
Returns the name of the Application Module's property file. The property file typically contains this information:

Specified by:
getApplicationName in interface DataWebBean
the name of the Application Module's property file.


public java.lang.String getViewObjectName()
Returns the name of the View Object to which this Data Web Bean is bound.

Specified by:
getViewObjectName in interface DataWebBean
name of the View Object.


public void clearDisplayAttributes()
Clears the list of display attributes specified for the RowSet. The result is that the Web Bean will now display all of the RowSet's attributes.

Specified by:
clearDisplayAttributes in interface DataWebBean


public void setDisplayAttributes(java.lang.String sAttrs)
Sets the list of the RowSet's attributes that will be displayed. This is useful for limiting the set of attributes that are to be displayed by the Web Bean. If this function is not called, all attributes are displayed, except those of type Row and RowSet.

Specify the attributes as a comma-delimited list. For example, to display the attributes EmpNo, Ename, and Job, enter setDisplayAttributes("EmpNo, Ename, Job").

Specified by:
setDisplayAttributes in interface DataWebBean
sAttrs - names of the attributes to be displayed.


public java.util.Vector getDisplayAttributes()
Returns a Hashtable containing the names of the attributes to be displayed. This function can return null.

Specified by:
getDisplayAttributes in interface DataWebBean
a Hashtable containing the names of the attributes to be displayed.


public AttributeDef[] getDisplayAttributeDefs()
returns the array of attributes to be displayed, if the set is not constrained , it will return all of the attribute defs.

Specified by:
getDisplayAttributeDefs in interface DataWebBean


public void setRowSet(RowSet aQuery)
Deprecated. Deprecated since 5.0. RowSet is now defined with the DataSource

Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Allows the override of the default RowSet that was retrieved by using the initialize() function. The setRowSet() function sets up the RowSet by clearing the field renderers if the selected row is null. Otherwise, it populates the row with its field renderers.

Specified by:
setRowSet in interface DataWebBean
aQuery - the RowSet to be selected.


public boolean shouldDisplayAttribute(AttributeDef attrDef)
Checks whether an attribute should be displayed by a Web Bean. This function returns false if the attribute:

In either of these cases, the attribute will not be displayed.

Note, if the setDisplayAttributes() function has not been called, all attributes are displayed except Row or RowSet attributes.

Specified by:
shouldDisplayAttribute in interface DataWebBean


public RowSet getRowSet()
Returns the RowSet of the View Object used by the Web Bean object.

Specified by:
getRowSet in interface DataWebBean
the RowSet that the Data Web Bean is using.


public void initialize(javax.servlet.ServletContext application,
                       javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session,
                       javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                       javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response,
                       javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out,
                       java.lang.String sRowSet)
                throws java.lang.Exception
Initializes this Data Web Bean object to:

application - the JSP page's ServletContext.
session - the JSP page's HttpSession.
request - the JSP page's HttpServletRequest.
response - the JSP page's HttpServletResponse.
out - the PrintWriter to render to.
sRowSet - a string that specifies a Business Component JSP Application's properties file and a View Object. Its format is properties file.View Object where properties file is the name of the properties file without the .properties extension and View Object is the name of a View Object associated with the Application Module specified in the properties file.


public boolean isAppStateful()
Description copied from interface: DataWebBean
Returns true if you are running in statefule mode

Specified by:
isAppStateful in interface DataWebBean


protected ApplicationModule getApplicationFromContext()
Use JSPApplicationRegistry.getAppModuleFromContexts , removed deprecation since no alternative is suggested


public void setReleaseApplicationResources(boolean bRelease)
Enables or disables the release of application resources associated with this request. Only the last Data Web Bean on a page should set this value to true because it releases the Application Module that is associated with the page being processed.

Specified by:
setReleaseApplicationResources in interface DataWebBean
bRelease - true to release application resources associated with the request; false to retain the resources.


public void releaseApplicationResources()
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
Releases any application resources associated with this request if setReleaseApplicationResources(true). Only the last Data Web Bean on a page should set this value to true because it releases the Application Module that is associated with the page being processed.



public void releaseApplicationResources(java.lang.String releaseMode)
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
Release the data web beans application module with the specified release mode.



public void initialize(javax.servlet.ServletContext application,
                       javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session,
                       javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                       javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response,
                       java.lang.String viewObjectFullName)
                throws java.lang.Exception
Initializes this Data Web Bean object to:

Specified by:
initialize in interface DataWebBean
application - the JSP page's ServletContext.
session - the JSP page's HttpSession.
request - the JSP page's HttpServletRequest.
response - the JSP page's HttpServletResponse.
out - the PrintWriter to render to.
viewObjectFullName - a string that specifies a Business Component JSP Application's properties file and a View Object. Its format is properties file.View Object where properties file is the name of the properties file without the .properties extension and View Object is the name of a View Object associated with the Application Module specified in the properties file.


public void initialize(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext page,
                       java.lang.String sRowSet)
                throws java.lang.Exception
Initializes this Data Web Bean object to:

Specified by:
initialize in interface DataWebBean
page - the JSP page's PageContext.
sRowSet - a string that specifies a Business Component JSP Application's properties file and a View Object. Its format is properties file.View Object where properties file is the name of the properties file without the .properties extension and View Object is the name of a View Object associated with the Application Module specified in the properties file.


public void internalInitialize()
                        throws java.lang.Exception
Description copied from interface: WebBean
Internal initialize. This method should be overriden by any WebBean needing to initialize some internal data after all the base class member have been initialize properly.

Specified by:
internalInitialize in interface WebBean
internalInitialize in class WebBeanImpl


public java.lang.String getRowKey(Row row)


public void handleCommit()
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Description copied from interface: DataWebBean
Handles commit logic properly reagrdles of stateful/stateless runtime mode. Call this function after you make any data changes.

Specified by:
handleCommit in interface DataWebBean


public HTMLFieldRenderer getEditFieldRenderer(Row row,
                                              AttributeDef attrDef)
Retrieves the default field renderer for a specified attribute definition (that is, the attribute metadata).

Specified by:
getEditFieldRenderer in interface DataWebBean
attrDef - an attribute definition.
default field renderer for the attribute definition.


public HTMLFieldRenderer getDisplayFieldRenderer(Row row,
                                                 AttributeDef attrDef)
Retrieves the default field renderer for a specified attribute definition (that is, the attribute metadata).

Specified by:
getDisplayFieldRenderer in interface DataWebBean
attrDef - an attribute definition.
default field renderer for the attribute definition.


public void setDisplayFieldRenderer(AttributeDef attrDef,
                                    HTMLFieldRenderer rdr)
Assigns an instance-level display field renderer to be used in the DataWebBean

Specified by:
setDisplayFieldRenderer in interface DataWebBean


public void setEditFieldRenderer(AttributeDef attrDef,
                                 HTMLFieldRenderer rdr)
Assigns an instance-level edit field renderer to be used in the DataWebBean

Specified by:
setEditFieldRenderer in interface DataWebBean


public void setDisplayFieldRenderer(int nIndex,
                                    HTMLFieldRenderer rdr)
Assigns an instance-level display field renderer to be used in the DataWebBean

Specified by:
setDisplayFieldRenderer in interface DataWebBean


public void setEditFieldRenderer(int nIndex,
                                 HTMLFieldRenderer rdr)
Assigns an instance-level edit field renderer to be used in the DataWebBean

Specified by:
setEditFieldRenderer in interface DataWebBean


public java.lang.String getAttributeLabel(RowSet rs,
                                          AttributeDef aDef)
Utility method for getting the attribute's label , the label is first located in the AttributeDEf and then in the RowSet VO's attribute list. If no label is provided, the attribute name is used.

Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01


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