Re: Updated the harness to support the sts

From: Bobby Bissett - Javasoft <Robert.Bissett_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2006 14:59:27 -0400

> Maybe the following idea is what you (Kohsuke & Bobby) were thinking of
> already... but for some reason I was thiking Bobby wanted to deploy a
> standalone servlet. The idea below might be simpler than that option.
> Or might not. :-)

I do have a standalone servlet that I use, but could use a jax-ws
service instead if ?wsdl could be turned off. Well, maybe I could just
use a jax-ws service, but I think I'd need two that have to be both
deployed -- one that supports ?wsdl and one that doesn't.

> Would it be possible to add a hook/flag to the JAX-WS infrastructure
> that would support enabling/disabling response to "?wsdl", maybe for
> just a given endpoint.

There's some SDDocumentFilter that can be used for this, but my
impression is that it's something that has to be set on the jax-ws
runtime by the pipeline or the pipeline assembler.

For deployment into glassfish (is this "109 deployment"), a jax-ws
service is just a simple class with some annotations. In web-xml you
give it as the servlet class. Using this method, my servlet could simply
be a web service that doesn't have any web-service annotations. I don't
know it that helps at all, but it's a thought.
