Re: Updated the harness to support the sts

From: Ken Hofsass <Kenneth.Hofsass_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2006 11:52:44 -0700


>> If I remember correctly, Bobby had another requirement that he needed
>> to deploy a servlet that he uses to emulate a bogus response.
> Yep, that's the way the tests were written. If we start using the
> runtime transports at tool time, then your suggestion of just having a
> pipe the sends the responses would work. Or a jax-ws handler could
> probably do it, but there are two pesky details. One is the
> http-dependent part of the mex spec, and the other is that I need to
> be able to deploy a service that will not answer ?wsdl requests in
> order to make sure wsimport isn't succeeding to get the metadata when
> mex is broken.

Maybe the following idea is what you (Kohsuke & Bobby) were thinking of
already... but for some reason I was thiking Bobby wanted to deploy a
standalone servlet. The idea below might be simpler than that option.
Or might not. :-)

Would it be possible to add a hook/flag to the JAX-WS infrastructure
that would support enabling/disabling response to "?wsdl", maybe for
just a given endpoint. Then a given test-service could have an
attribute flag on it's descriptor element. Somehow, magically, that
information gets passed to the container... and then the service simply
ignores or errors requests for ?wsdl

