The head tag has a couple attributes you can use to prevent javascript
and stylesheets from being output. If you turn this off, you can use the
themeLinks tag to include javascript and stylesheets elsewhere in the
page. The themeLinks tag was intended to be used in a portal, but I
think it will work for you.
Kenneth Suter wrote:
> In our Woodstock 4.2 application, we have a page in which dojo has
> been introduced in order to render a modal dialog. Getting this to
> work requires inclusion of a couple of dojo style sheets which I had
> specified as link tags like:
> <webuijsf:head binding="#{HeadBean.head}" parseOnLoad="true">
> <webuijsf:link type="text/css"
> url=""/>
> <webuijsf:link type="text/css"
> url=""/>
> One problem with this however seems to be that since the dojo style
> sheets are loaded after the suntheme stylesheets, some suntheme
> selectors are being overridden by the dojo versions meaning the
> rendered page does not look precisely like it should with regard to
> fonts and layout spacing.
> Does anyone have any suggestions about how to get around this?
> Thanks,
> -Kenneth
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