Re: autocomplete feature for textfield not working?

From: Dmitry Kushner <Dmitry.Kushner_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 04 Apr 2008 19:46:03 -0600

Felipe Jaekel wrote:
2008/4/3, autozoom <>:

Now this seems to work
The listbox displaying the items is overlapped to the textfield, at least in

This happened with me too.
i will be fixing this issue.
Also, at FilteredOptions if I set MAX_LIMIT with 0 the text field is not rendered.
The comment in the following line :

 public final int MAX_LIMIT= 20; //max limit of options to return, 0 returns all

 is misleading. It will actually returns 0-sized array in this case, if anything. And if no options are rendered, no autocomplete box is shown.

Also, please note that FilteredOptions was a quick example, not part of Woodstock, not part of QA process, and is not supported.  so I cannot guarantee it always works....  Do you see any other cases where the same problem shows up independent of FilteredOptions?

Thanks for the help,