Re: Problem getting selected table row with AJAX

From: Dan Labrecque <Dan.Labrecque_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 04 Apr 2008 16:23:50 -0500

Felipe Jaekel wrote:
> What I mean with ajax transaction is not fired is that I have a
> dynamic faces ajax transaction component whitch I set the radio button
> to submit its value, the same way I do with other components. The
> radio button has a process value change. If I put a bookmark inside
> the event handler it doesn't stops there.
> I read the tableRowGroup TLD, but I don't think it's a problem with
> the dataprovider, because I can add or remove data to it and the table
> refresh correctly. I'm using'transactionName').

Adding/removing table rows is typically done via JSF's invoke
application phase. Typically, after a button has queued an action. This
has nothing to do with decoding radio button values via an Ajax request
-- that is done much earlier.

When you add rows, is that done with a button/hyperlink outside the
table (i.e., not in a table cell)? As a test, add a hyperlink to the
table cell and see what happens. If the hyperlink does not invoke an
action properly, then there is most likely a problem with the DataProvider.

> I still dont't understand how to submit a radio button or a check box
> from the table, isn't there any tutorial I can follow?

Not for how to use Dynamic Faces with a table. Again, you're treading in
uncharted waters here. ;)


> Thanks for the help,
> Felipe
> 2008/4/2, Dan Labrecque <
> <>>:
> I don't understand what you mean by the Ajax transaction is not
> fired? However, you're treading in uncharted waters here. All I
> can suggest is that you read the "Life Cycle" section in the
> tableRowGroup TLD. It is important to understand what is expected
> by the DataProvider and when. In your scenario, radiobuttons must
> be submitted -- basically everything under the table is a virtual
> form. But, if you do not have the DataProvider set correctly
> during the JSF decode phase, these components will not be decoded.
> Therefore, you won't be able to retrieve any selected rows.
> Sorry I cannot be more helpful,
> Dan
> Felipe Jaekel wrote:
>> To add and remove data from the table, AJAX is working fine.
>> To edit data I have a radio button to select the row. I followed
>> this tutorial <>.
>> When I add this radio button to the AJAX transaction, it's not
>> fired. I think the problem is that the radio button id is
>> dynamic. I tried to submit the tableRowGroup, the transaction is
>> fired, but getTableRowGroup1().getSelectedRowKeys() returns empty.
>> Here is my code:
>> <df:ajaxTransaction id="ajaxTransaction2"
>> inputs="page1:html1:body1:form1:button2,page1:html1:body1:form1:table1:tableRowGroup1:tableColumn3:radioButton1"
>> render="page1:html1:body1:form1:staticText5"/>
>> <webuijsf:table augmentTitle="false" id="table1" title="Table"
>> width="10">
>> <webuijsf:tableRowGroup
>> binding="#{Page1.tableRowGroup1}" id="tableRowGroup1" rows="10"
>> selected="#{Page1.selectedState}"
>> sourceData="#{SessionBean1.beans}" sourceVar="currentRow">
>> <webuijsf:tableColumn
>> id="tableColumn3"
>> onClick="setTimeout(function(){document.getElementById('form1:table1').initAllRows()},
>> 0);" selectId="radioButton1" width="9">
>> <webuijsf:radioButton
>> id="radioButton1" label="" name="radioButton1"
>> selected="#{Page1.selected}" selectedValue="#{Page1.selectedValue}"/>
>> </webuijsf:tableColumn>
>> <webuijsf:tableColumn
>> headerText="codigo" id="tableColumn1" sort="codigo">
>> <webuijsf:staticText
>> id="staticText3" text="#{currentRow.value['codigo']}"/>
>> </webuijsf:tableColumn>
>> <webuijsf:tableColumn
>> headerText="nome" id="tableColumn2" sort="nome">
>> <webuijsf:staticText
>> id="staticText4" text="#{currentRow.value['nome']}"/>
>> </webuijsf:tableColumn>
>> </webuijsf:tableRowGroup>
>> </webuijsf:table>
>> <webuijsf:staticText
>> binding="#{Page1.staticText5}" id="staticText5" />
>> <webuijsf:button
>> actionExpression="#{Page1.button2_action}" id="button2"
>> onClick="'ajaxTransaction2');&#xa;return
>> false;" text="Button"/>
>> public String button2_action()
>> {
>> staticText5.setText(getSelectedRow().getNome());
>> return null;
>> }
>> private Bean getSelectedRow()
>> {
>> if(getTableRowGroup1().getSelectedRowsCount() > 0)
>> {
>> return
>> getSessionBean1().getBeans().get(Integer.parseInt(getTableRowGroup1().getSelectedRowKeys()[0].getRowId()));
>> }
>> else
>> {
>> return null;
>> }
>> }
>> Thanks a lot,
>> Felipe
>> 2008/4/1, Dan Labrecque <
>> <>>:
>> There is no selected row value other than what is associated
>> with the checkbox you provided in a table cell. First, you
>> must to ensure that the HTML input value of the checkbox is
>> submitted. Then, you need to ensure the same DataProvider,
>> used to render the table, is available during the JSF decode
>> phase. The table needs to iterate over each row and call the
>> decode method of each checkbox component.
>> Please see the "Life Cycle" section, in the tableRowGroup TLD
>> doc below, for more info.
>> Dan
>> Felipe Jaekel wrote:
>> I have an Ajax Transaction component. I'm trying to get
>> the selected row value from a table, so I configured it
>> to send input, but it's not working.
>> Is there something else that has to be done to get this
>> working?
>> Thanks,
>> Felipe
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