
[jsr369-experts] Re: [ADMIN] Welcome to Servlet 4.0

From: Stuart Douglas <sdouglas_at_redhat.com>
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 07:17:56 +1000

My name is Stuart Douglas and I represent Red Hat.

I live in Australia and I work on the Wildfly application server and
lead the Undertow web server, which is the web server used in Wildfly.

My java.net username is stuartdouglas.


Edward Burns wrote:
> Hello Volunteers,
> This message is sent to all members of servlet-spec, including
> observers, but this message is really intended for Expert Group members.
> Note that only JCP Expert Group (EG) members may subscribe to
> jsr369-experts, and therefore only EG members may post to this list.
> Introduction
> Hello and welcome to the JSR-369 Expert Group for developing version
> 4.0 of the Servlet specification. If you're a veteran of past Servlet
> JSRs, thanks for coming back again, we're very glad to have you. If
> you're new to Servlet spec development, welcome! We look forward to
> more fresh ideas. My name is Ed Burns. Shing-wai Chan and I will be
> your co-spec leads for this JSR.
> Goals
> As stated on our JSR [1], the primary goal of this JSR is to expose
> support for the upcoming IETF standard HTTP/2 to users of the Servlet
> API. A secondary goal is to refresh the Servlet API with to achieve
> compliance with new features in HTTP 1.1 as well as responding to
> community input. The
> jsr369-experts_at_servlet-spec.java.net list will be used
> for technical discussions in JSR-369.
> Getting to know each other
> I know some of you from previous JSRs, but others are new. I'd like
> for everyone to share their java.net user name. If you don't have
> one, please get one. We'll add everyone to the servlet-spec project.
> Please reply to this email, including where you live, who you
> represent, anything else you'd like to say and, optionally, a picture
> or a link to a picture of yourself.
> Platform
> Servlet 4.0 is included in the the Java EE 8 platform schedule and
> will depend on Java EE 8 and JavaSE 8.
> Rights and Responsibilities
> Based on lessons we've learned from past JSRs, we think it would be
> useful to lay out some rights and responsibilites of the JSR-369 Spec
> Lead and EG members.
> * Your rights as a JSR-369-EG member
> - Timely response to emails
> - The issues you raise get dealt with and not fall on the floor
> - Be informed of schedule milestones and release plans as soon as
> possible.
> - Have expectations set realistically, for example, the EG needs to
> be made aware that the JCP process can take a long time between
> when the actual spec discussion work is done, and when it is
> final. During that time, we are going through JCP process steps,
> working on the TCK and polishing the RI, writing the
> documentation, integrating it into the release vehicle, and
> qualifying it with third party products.
> - Have access to quality tools for distributed collaborative
> development. For example, the issue tracker, wiki, and shared
> file space at servlet-spec.java.net
> * Your responsibilities as an EG Member
> - Be active in email discussions
> - On the rare occasions when we specifically ask for a VOTE, such
> as whether or not we declare that we've hit a JCP milestone, cast
> one.
> - Conduct all email in a professional manner, no flaming
> - Follow email discussion guidelines in this message
> - Stay within the scope of the JSR
> - Respect the spec lead's final call on the schedule for the JSR.
> * Our rights as spec leads
> - The authority to make the final call on the schedule for the JSR,
> after sincerely considering EG input
> - The authority to make executive decisions to settle deadlocks
> - The authority to shut down threads that are digressions.
> - The authority to break up email messages into separate threads to
> aid discussion.
> * Our responsiblities as spec leads
> - All new discussion threads receive a response within two days
> from Shing-wai or I, barring planned absences.
> - All discussion threads managed. If appropriate, they are
> associated with an issue-tracker issue.
> - See that each discussion thread is summarized and labeled as
> CLOSED when the discussion is resolved.
> - Keep the spec document up-to-date as issues are resolved
> Process
> All official spec discussion will happen on
> jsr372-experts_at_servlet-spec.java.net. This list is
> archived at [2]. We used the archive heavily in past JSRs, so please
> test that you can access the archive.
> Please send all mail in ASCII, not HTML. If you must, non ASCII
> attachments are ok, but generally it's better to put that sort of
> thing as an attachment to an issue in the issue-tracker.
> As mentioned above, everyone needs a java.net user id. We'll be using
> the servlet-spec [3] project. We'll use the servlet-spec issue
> tracker for all issues [4].
> We may have occasional conference calls if the need arises.
> Reference Implementation and TCK
> The official reference implementation for JSR-369 is being developed
> out in the open on the java.net project called glassfish. The TCK
> will be developed by Oracle internally.
> Email practices
> We will use the following conventions, used in previous iterations of
> the JavaServer Faces expert groups.
> The subject line of All core discussion threads will be prefixed by
> [jsr369-experts][TargetVersion-IssueNumber-ShortName].
> TargetVersion is optional and is assumed to be Servletv4.0 if
> omitted. Having this convention covers us if we end up talking
> about something targeted at Servletv4.1. IssueNumber is the issue
> number in the servlet-spec issue tracker. ShortName is a WikiWord
> that enables us to look at the email subject line and quickly recall
> the topic of the thread. For example, Subject: "[43-XMLSchema]
> Status"
> If you want to originate a thread, send it to the EG prefixed by
> [NEW] in the subject line. If we see the need for an issue tracker
> issue, we'll put it in the issue tracker, re-subject the email to be
> prefixed with [IssueNumber-ShortName], and discussion will continue
> on that thread, NOT the thread with [NEW] in the title.
> Put [ADMIN] at the start of the subject line for all schedule and
> administrative related emails.
> I am open to other suggestions about how to best conduct the EG
> discussions over email.
> Next Steps
> As you may know, next week is JavaOne 2014. Shing-wai and I are
> attending, as well as Greg Wilkins.
> We are having a face-to-face meeting, with conference call as well,
> the first day of JavaOne. It is a shared meeting with the JSF EG.
> Date: Monday 29 September 2014
> Time:
> 14:00 San Francisco
> 17:00 New York
> 23:00 Vienna
> Phone number:
> +1 866 682 4770
> Conference code: 7821409
> Access code: 2323
> If you are calling in from a country other than the U.S.A., please
> reply to me only with the country you will be calling from and I'll
> hopefully have a toll-free number for you in that country.
> Again, welcome, and we look forward to collaborating in the coming
> months!
> Ed Burns
> [1] http://www.jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=369
> [2] http://java.net/projects/servlet-spec/lists/jsr369-experts/archive
> [3] http://servlet-spec.java.net/
> [4] https://java.net/jira/browse/SERVLET_SPEC/