Re: [SAAJ-USR] Missing Start Boundary

From: Alex Hepp <>
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2008 10:07:47 +0100

Dloy... Thanks for your answer. The thing is, I am using jax-ws. I
sniffed the sent message via fiddler proxy on localhost, and it seemed
to be correctly sent (including all the needed headers).

Unfortunately I went back to a test version without swa for now, and
will firstly have to get this working to commit it to cvs before I can
try out the multipart again to show you the message exactly. Could there
perhaps be a problem with encoding, so that the MimeMultipart#parse
doesn't correctly detect the newlines? just a shot, since I don't set
the encoding in jax-ws. All I do is generate my sources (the whole web
service client) from wsdl. If we find out, that your solution is
correct, we might have to inform jax-ws as well that they would need to
change their use of saaj.

Again thx for all your quick help!

dloy schrieb:
> Hi Alex
> An apology to the list for not saving my resolution on this problem.
> An earlier version of saaj allowed soapMessage.saveChanges() to be
> issued BEFORE adding the attachment. This changed in later versions of
> saaj and the version saved to java 1.6. You can still add the
> attachment after the saveChanges(). Now however the multipart header
> is not sent even though the format contains the attachment. This
> causes the exception. By no longer issuing the saveChanges() my code
> now works.
> Thanks
> David
> Alex Hepp wrote: