SAAJ,JAXM,JAXR, RegistryServer -- ie. Sun's jwsdp-1.1 included jaxm

From: emiddio-verizon <>
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2008 12:40:31 -0800

i'm working/studying older code; studies indicate jaxm/saaj were part of something (SOAP ???) around 2001 and then separated into
separate things. i'm trying to use the gfv2ur2(glassfish) with the tutorial bundle javaee-5-doc-tutorial-1.0_03; this bundle
included jaxr and a lib within jaxr containing commons-logging.jar, RegistryServer.war, Xindice.war;

jaxr was part of j2ee1.4 and javaee 5 up till the 1.0_03 tutorial -- then no longer included.
what happened to jaxr ? has the industry abandonded it?

i am having troubles debugging exceptions in the jaxr/jwsdp RegistryServer servlet doPost(); i am also studying jaxm with samples/examples
i have for jaxm;

i have jaxm-impl.jar, jaxm-api.jar, and jaxr - jars;

can someone explain history -- what happened to JAXM ? has the industry abandoned JAXM?

why is there no souce avail on can i get Sun's RI source for jaxm-1.1?

i would also if possible like Sun's RI source for jaxr for debugging and learning.

i picked this mailing list since jaxm/saaj were together at some point in time.
