Re: [SAAJ-USR] getSOAPBody problem

From: suresh <Suresh.Mandalapu_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2008 11:17:51 +0530

yes, try putting the required saaj jars in the build path of eclipse.

Rico wrote:
> Suresh wrote:
> i tried it by taking your input and it is working when we keep
> soapmessage as a continuous text(without leaving spaces in between
> child
> elements) as given below.
> <?xml version="1.0"
> encoding="utf-8"?><soapenv:Envelopexmlns:soapenv="">
> <soapenv:Body><get_SAserviceDetail><input_1><concept
> name="ItalianWine" multiplicity="1"/></input_1>
> <output_1><conceptname="Winery"multiplicity="1"/></output_1></get_SAserviceDetail></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>
> .....
> so please try it by leaving no spaces in the message.
> suresh
> Great suresh!! Now it works :)
> many thanks! A last question: in my opinion, I'm not using SAAJ
> because if I bring saaj.jar outside my classpath, JDK 1.6 compiles my
> project using its internal implementation of JAXP. How can I force to
> use saaj.jar? Just putting it into the build path of Eclipse, this
> gives priority to the user libreries insted of JDK implementation?
> Many thanks again!!