dloy wrote:
> Hi Alex
> An apology to the list for not saving my resolution on this problem.
> An earlier version of saaj allowed soapMessage.saveChanges() to be
> issued BEFORE adding the attachment. This changed in later versions of
> saaj and the version saved to java 1.6. You can still add the
> attachment after the saveChanges(). Now however the multipart header
> is not sent even though the format contains the attachment. This
> causes the exception. By no longer issuing the saveChanges() my code
> now works.
Thanks for the description. We were able to reproduce this issue with
the SAAJ Version in JDK 6. However the bug does not exist if you try to
use the Latest SAAJ Impl Jars (saaj1.3.3-SANPSHOT.zip) from :
There will be a new Integration of SAAJ into JDK 6 in the days ahead at
which point this would get fixed in an Update release of JDK6. Till
then the workaround as you suggested is to avoid calling an intermediate
> Thanks
> David
> Alex Hepp wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I am having the same problem. Tried to move on to the 2.1.5 version
>> of jax-ws which is using saaj 1.3
>> I get the "unable to internalize message"-problem when sending a
>> multipart/related generated web service. Did anyone manage to get
>> this working yet, or do I have to step back to an older version of
>> saaj to have a working swa?
>> I would be very happy if someone could help me.
>> Cheers!
>> Alex
>> dloy schrieb:
>>> <div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed">Hi Kumar
>>> The Missing start boundary message has changed:
>>> ***saaj.mime.optimization=false
>>> com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.packaging.mime.MessagingException:
>>> Missing start boundary
>>> com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.packaging.mime.internet.MimeMultipart.parse(MimeMultipart.java:359)
>>> instead of the original:
>>> ***saaj.mime.optimization=true
>>> java.lang.Exception: Missing Start Boundary, or boundary does not
>>> start on a new line
>>> com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.packaging.mime.internet.BMMimeMultipart.getNextPart(BMMimeMultipart.java:268)
>>> I'd missed this change on the trace.
>>> Thanks so much
>>> David
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