I'll let Lukas respond with the details for this specific item, but in case it's
not clear at this point we're trying to close down the MR and complete it, not
expand it to include additional items. Persistence providers may already have
this, but we don't already have TCK tests for it.
arjan tijms wrote on 05/04/2017 03:27 PM:
> Hi,
> See https://java.net/jira/browse/JPA_SPEC-25
> This would be an incredible useful feature to have and largely would "just" be
> exposing methods that all persistence providers already seem to have internally.
> Linda herself said:
> "/Being able to map back and forth between CriteriaQueries and JPQL queries
> would be useful to have. This is something that should be considered in a
> future release. See also http://java.net/jira/browse/JPA_SPEC-29/"
> Wonder if this could be considered for the MR.
> Kind regards,
> Arjan Tijms