[jpa-spec users] [jsr338-experts] clarification needed regarding EntityManager pooling in J2EE environment

From: Christian Romberg <>
Date: Thu, 10 May 2012 15:58:34 +0200

Dear group,

The spec (2.0) says, p.304, section 7.9.1, footnote 79:

"The container may choose to pool EntityManagers: it instead of creating
and closing in each case, it may acquire one from its pool
and call clear() on it."

What should happen with any property settings that were changed by the user?
E.g. setFlushMode or any vendor-specific properties?

Should clear() also reset them to the values configured for the

I think this would make sense to get a clean, reusable EntityManager.

And if this is the common understanding of how clear() should work, I
suggest that we add
that in the spec.

Thank you!


Christian Romberg
Chief Engineer | Versant GmbH
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