
[jsr338-experts] Re: query improvements: downcasting

From: Gordon Yorke <gordon.yorke_at_oracle.com>
Date: Tue, 08 Mar 2011 11:42:23 -0400

Hello Linda,
   The TREAT function should not restrict sub-classes from the result.
If that was the goal then the TYPE function could be used. TREAT should
allow reference to a mapped attribute of a sub-class and all of that
classes sub-classes. Any super-classes would be restricted from the result.

for an explicit example:

select b.name, b.isbn from Orders o, Products b WHERE b.DTYPE IN("Book",
"Hard Cover", "Trade Paperback") and o.productId = b.productId


Linda DeMichiel wrote:
> Hi Evan,
> I am assuming that we are borrowing the syntax, not the
> implementation, since SQL TREAT was targeted at ADTs, so
> the provider is doing the mapping.
> E.g., to take the first of these sample queries, depending on
> the inheritance mapping used, etc., you might get something
> like one of the following:
> SELECT b.name, b.isbn
> FROM Orders o, Products b
> WHERE b.DTYPE = "Book"
> AND o.productId = p.productId
> or
> SELECT p.name, b.isbn
> FROM Orders o, Products p, Books b
> WHERE p.DTYPE = "Book"
> AND o.productId = p.productId
> AND p.productId = b.productId
> Similarly for the second query (assuming joined inheritance):
> SELECT e.*
> FROM Employee e, Projects p, LargeProjects l
> WHERE p.empId = e.empId
> AND p.projId = l.projId
> AND p.DTYPE = "LargeProject"
> AND l.budget > 1000
> On 3/7/2011 3:03 PM, Evan Ireland wrote:
>> Linda,
>> If we decide that TREAT(x as T) returns NULL when the value x does
>> not have type T, then does that produce portability issues, or can we
>> suppose that it is always possible to map to appropriate DB syntax
>> that will produce a NULL?
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Linda DeMichiel [mailto:linda.demichiel_at_oracle.com] Sent:
>> Monday, March 07, 2011 12:46 PM
>> To: jsr338-experts_at_jpa-spec.java.net
>> Subject: [jsr338-experts] query improvements: downcasting
>> As promised, we'll kickoff our work with some of the hopefully easier
>> items to get us warmed up. We'll start with some topics in the query
>> area.
>> First up -- downcasting.
>> We've gotten a number of requests to support a downcasting functionality
>> in the query language. This is useful particularly for polymorphic
>> relationships where the intent is to access subtype-specific attributes.
>> SQL supports this via the TREAT ... AS operator:
>> TREAT (expression AS datatype)
>> where datatype is a subtype of the static type of the expression.
>> The extension of this syntax to JPQL would be straightforward.
>> For example,
>> SELECT b.name, b.ISBN
>> FROM Order o JOIN TREAT(o.product AS Book) b
>> SELECT e FROM Employee e JOIN TREAT(e.projects AS LargeProject) lp
>> WHERE lp.budget > 1000
>> SELECT e FROM Employee JOIN e.projects p
>> WHERE TREAT(p AS LargeProject).budget > 1000 OR
>> TREAT(p AS SmallProject).name LIKE "Persist%" OR
>> p.description LIKE "COST OVERRUN"
>> An open issue however is the handling of the case where the
>> instance passed to TREAT is not of the same type or a subtype of the
>> specified datatype.
>> Databases seem to differ as to whether the result should be null or
>> whether an error is raised. We need to decide this as well.
>> I think the above examples illustrate the utility of defining the
>> semantics as providing a filtering as well as downcasting semantics
>> (i.e., taking the approach of using null semantics).
>> The Criteria API already provides the Expression method
>> <X> Expression<X> as(Class<X> type);
>> However, note that the definition of this explicitly states: "This
>> method does not cause type conversion: the runtime type is not
>> changed. Warning: may result in a runtime failure. "
>> Opinions?
>> thanks,
>> -Linda