Re: [Jersey] Jersey+Spring 3.0.0.M3?

From: Martin Grotzke <>
Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 15:27:32 +0200


the different profiles in the jersey-spring module are there, as both
spring 2.0 and 2.5 should be supported, and this is also tested.

To use jersey-spring with spring 3.0 it should be possible to exclude
the transitive spring dependency from jersey-spring in your pom, as
Tarjei suggested. This should be possible as spring 3.0 should basically
be backwards compatible.

However, as Paul suggested we also could add another profile for spring
3.0 in jersey-spring, to test/assert/show (to early birds) that
jersey-spring also works with spring 3.0.Mx.


On Tue, 2009-05-19 at 09:03 +0200, Paul Sandoz wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> As you suspect i think it is due to the dependencies in the jersey
> spring pom.
> I wonder if you can define a spring 3.x profile in your own pom?
> notice that the jersey spring pom does define profiles for spring
> 2.0.x and 2.5.x so i am guessing this is possible. However, i am not a
> maven expert, others on this list are far more knowledgeable about
> this type of thing than I.
> If you think such a profile should go in the jersey spring pom
> (assuming no backwards compatibility changes required, since this is
> spring version 3 things might not work correctly) then please log an
> issue.
> Paul.
> On May 19, 2009, at 4:59 AM, Gregory Gerard wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Trying to use Spring 3.0.0.M3.
> >
> > Maven keeps trying to drag in 2.5.6.
> >
> > 5/18/09 7:37:52 PM PDT: Missing indirectly referenced artifact
> > org.springframework:spring-core:jar:2.5.6:compile
> >
> > What's a workaround for this? I realize this is not specifically a
> > Jersey issue but someone else must have run into this.
> >
> > Though this happened for 1.0.3, I tried 1.1.1-ea-SNAPSHOT as well
> > (these are the files related):
> >
> > from the jersey contrib spring pom:
> > <properties>
> > <spring20-release-version>2.0.5</spring20-release-version>
> > <spring25-release-version>[2.5.2,)</spring25-release-version>
> > </properties>
> >
> > I'm about ready to just symlink the things...
> >
> > thanks,
> > greg
> >
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Martin Grotzke