Re: [Jersey] Jersey+Spring 3.0.0.M3?

From: Gregory Gerard <>
Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 12:46:11 -0700

Exclusions worked. Would still like profiles or a greater selectivity
to the upper end version number on the spring25 one.



On May 19, 2009, at 6:27 AM, Martin Grotzke wrote:

> Hi,
> the different profiles in the jersey-spring module are there, as both
> spring 2.0 and 2.5 should be supported, and this is also tested.
> To use jersey-spring with spring 3.0 it should be possible to exclude
> the transitive spring dependency from jersey-spring in your pom, as
> Tarjei suggested. This should be possible as spring 3.0 should
> basically
> be backwards compatible.
> However, as Paul suggested we also could add another profile for
> spring
> 3.0 in jersey-spring, to test/assert/show (to early birds) that
> jersey-spring also works with spring 3.0.Mx.
> Cheers,
> Martin
> On Tue, 2009-05-19 at 09:03 +0200, Paul Sandoz wrote:
>> Hi Greg,
>> As you suspect i think it is due to the dependencies in the jersey
>> spring pom.
>> I wonder if you can define a spring 3.x profile in your own pom?
>> notice that the jersey spring pom does define profiles for spring
>> 2.0.x and 2.5.x so i am guessing this is possible. However, i am
>> not a
>> maven expert, others on this list are far more knowledgeable about
>> this type of thing than I.
>> If you think such a profile should go in the jersey spring pom
>> (assuming no backwards compatibility changes required, since this is
>> spring version 3 things might not work correctly) then please log an
>> issue.
>> Paul.
>> On May 19, 2009, at 4:59 AM, Gregory Gerard wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Trying to use Spring 3.0.0.M3.
>>> Maven keeps trying to drag in 2.5.6.
>>> 5/18/09 7:37:52 PM PDT: Missing indirectly referenced artifact
>>> org.springframework:spring-core:jar:2.5.6:compile
>>> What's a workaround for this? I realize this is not specifically a
>>> Jersey issue but someone else must have run into this.
>>> Though this happened for 1.0.3, I tried 1.1.1-ea-SNAPSHOT as well
>>> (these are the files related):
>>> from the jersey contrib spring pom:
>>> <properties>
>>> <spring20-release-version>2.0.5</spring20-release-version>
>>> <spring25-release-version>[2.5.2,)</spring25-release-version>
>>> </properties>
>>> I'm about ready to just symlink the things...
>>> thanks,
>>> greg
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> --
> Martin Grotzke