Hi Everyone,
Having been using Jersey for a while now (and I'm a big fan)... I've
been wondering if there has been any consideration for a way to generate
web API documentation, in a similar way to how Javadoc works, which can
be published to the web API consumers?
At the moment I'm manually crafting API documentation and shipping this
to my clients, however the engineer in me tells me that this is a
process that could be automated in some way so that each build of my
software could generate the latest documentation for the web API.
Before sending this I had a hunt around to see if there was anything on
this topic and couldn't spot anything. I apologise if I'm missing it in
my searches though...
I have some ideas how this could work and what would need to be
considered, and I'm seriously thinking of building some
tools/annotations etc which would allow me to achieve this in my own
product, but before I go ahead and do this would like to see if this is
something that the Jersey/JSR-311 community have considered or even have
on a roadmap?
Many thanks and very best wishes,
Andy Latham
Senior Solutions Consultant
Talis Information Ltd
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