Re: about JAXRPCServletDelegate and soap address location

From: Doug Kohlert <Doug.Kohlert_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 07:47:52 -0800

No that is not possible using the ?WSDL. I believe you could put the
WSDL in your root context and then retrieve it without the ?WSDL like
any other public file and the servlet would not process it. I am not
sure why you would want to do this. The reason the servler replaces the
address is to make sure it is correct.

Alessio Cervellin wrote:

>It seems that the JAXRPCServletDelegate class replaces the content of the <soap address location=...> WSDL tag filling it with the current host/context when a GET request (?WSDL) is done to it.
>It means that the content of the "location" attribute of the soap address binding for a service is being always ignored and replaced, right?
>Let's say I'd like to generate a cooked war to publish my WSDL but I dont' want the servlet to replace the value of the endpoint url specified within it, is that possible?
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