Re: Urgent - How can I solve this error when I compile and process-war my WEB SERVICE Interface and Implementation ?

From: Arun Gupta <>
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2003 10:22:23 -0700

Hi Ramasamy,

I do not see a reference to javax.xml.registry.LifeCycleManager class in
the interface. However there are quite a few other classes like
RegistryPublishUrl, RegistryInquiryUrl, OrganizationImpl and others. Do
any of these classes have LifeCycleManager as a member field ?

It seems like javax.xml.registry.LifeCycleManager is being used as a
value type or as a member of a value type. This is not allowed since
this class does not conform to the value type requirements specified in
section 5.4 of JAX-RPC 1.0 specification.

Thanks for your interest in JAX-RPC.


Ramasamy S/O Valliappan wrote:

>I start from JAVA to expose some of the JAXR API capabilities to publish, inquire and delete some information in the UDDI Registry Server.
>My interface and implementation java codes are attached.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Arun Gupta [mailto:Arun.Gupta_at_SUN.COM]
> Sent: Thu 9/11/2003 10:00 PM
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Urgent - How can I solve this error when I compile and process-war my WEB SERVICE Interface and Implementation ?
> Depending upon whether you are starting from Java or WSDL, can you post
> your interface or WSDL ?
> Thanks for your interest in JAX-RPC.
> Regards,
> -Arun
> Ramasamy S/O Valliappan wrote:
> >process-war:
> > [echo] Running wsdeploy....
> > [exec] info: created temporary directory: D:\Jwsdp\docs\tutorial\examples\j
> >axrpc\serviceregistry\build\wsdeploy-generated\jaxrpc-deploy-ac3855
> > [exec] info: processing endpoint: ServiceRegistry
> > [exec] error: invalid type for JAX-RPC structure: javax.xml.registry.LifeCy
> >cleManager
> > [exec] info: created output war file: D:\Jwsdp\docs\tutorial\examples\jaxrp
> >c\serviceregistry\dist\serviceregistry-jaxrpc.war
> > [exec] info: removed temporary directory: D:\Jwsdp\docs\tutorial\examples\j
> >axrpc\serviceregistry\build\wsdeploy-generated\jaxrpc-deploy-ac3855
> >
> >
>package org.jssl.serviceregistry;
>import org.jssl.serviceregistry.src.managebusiness.*;
>import org.jssl.serviceregistry.src.managecategory.*;
>import org.jssl.serviceregistry.src.manageservice.*;
>import org.jssl.serviceregistry.src.manageservicebinding.*;
>import org.jssl.serviceregistry.src.manageconcept.*;
>import org.jssl.serviceregistry.dac.registryaccess.*;
>import org.jssl.serviceregistry.uti.registryaccess.RegistryInquiryUrl;
>import org.jssl.serviceregistry.uti.registryaccess.RegistryPublishUrl;
>import com.sun.xml.registry.uddi.infomodel.*;
>import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.*;
>import java.util.Vector;
>import java.rmi.*;
>public interface RegistryIF extends Remote
> /**
> * This method is used to set the default private/public registry server?s publish URL.
> * @param purl[] RegistryPublishUrl Object with the following attributes
> * publishurl Publish URL of the private/public registry server.
> * proxyhost Proxy host of the private/public registry server.
> * proxyport Proxy port of the private/public registry server.
> * username Valid Username registered with the private/public registry server.
> * password Valid Password registered with the private/public registry server.
> * @param uname Client Username.
> * @param pword Client Password.
> * @return String
> * <ul>
> * <li>sid Session Id.
> * </ul>
> */
> public String setDefaultPublishUrl(RegistryPublishUrl purl[], String uname, String pword) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to get the default private/public registry server?s publish URL.
> * @param sid Session Id.
> * @return purl[] RegistryPublishUrl Object with the following attributes
> * <ul>
> * <li>publishurl Publish URL of the private/public registry server.
> * <li>proxyhost Proxy host of the private/public registry server.
> * <li>proxyport Proxy port of the private/public registry server.
> * <li>username Valid Username registered with the private/public registry server.
> * <li>password Valid Password registered with the private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public RegistryPublishUrl[] getDefaultPublishUrl(String sid) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to set the default private/public registry server?s inquiry URL.
> * @param qurl[] RegistryInquiryUrl Object with the following attributes
> * inquiryurl Inquiry URL of the private/public registry server.
> * proxyhost Proxy host of the private/public registry server.
> * proxyport Proxy port of the private/public registry server.
> * username Valid Username registered with the private/public registry server.
> * password Valid Password registered with the private/public registry server.
> * @param uname Client Username.
> * @param pword Client Password.
> * @return String
> * <ul>
> * <li>sid Session Id.
> * </ul>
> */
> public String setDefaultInquiryUrl(RegistryInquiryUrl qurl[], String uname, String pword) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to get the default private/public registry server?s inquiry URL.
> * @param sid Session Id.
> * @return qurl[] RegistryInquiryUrl Object with the following attributes
> * <ul>
> * <li>inquiryurl Inquiry URL of the private/public registry server.
> * <li>proxyhost Proxy host of the private/public registry server.
> * <li>proxyport Proxy port of the private/public registry server.
> * <li>username Valid Username registered with the private/public registry server.
> * <li>password Valid Password registered with the private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public RegistryInquiryUrl[] getDefaultInquiryUrl(String sid) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to register new business information like business name, business description,
> * contact person name, contact telephone number, and contact email address to the given public/private
> * registry server?s publish URL. The registration status of an UUID string is returned for successful
> * registration of the new business whereas the null string is returned for registration failure.
> * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param org[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization objects
> * @return String[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>UUID if the business information has been successfully registered with the specified private/public registry servers.
> * <li>null if the business information has not been registered (failure) with the specified private/public registry servers.
> * </ul>
> */
> public String[] registerBusinessByUrl(String publishurl[], String username[], String password[], OrganizationImpl org[]) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to update registered business information like business name, business description, contact
> * person name, contact telephone number, and contact email address to the given public/private registry server?s
> * publish URL. The updating status of an integer value 0 is returned for successful updating of the existing business
> * whereas the integer value 1 is returned for updating business failure and the integer value 2 is returned for
> * server failure / error.
> * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param org[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization objects
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 Successful Business Updating.
> * <li>1 Unsuccessful Business Updating / Updating Business not found.
> * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] updateBusinessByUrl(String publishurl[], String username[], String password[], OrganizationImpl org[]) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to update registered business information like business name, business description, contact person
> * name, contact telephone number, and contact email address from the default public registry server?s publish URL
> * (set by the setDefaultPublishUrl() method). The updating status of an integer value 0 is returned for successful updating
> * of the existing business whereas the integer value 1 is returned for updating business failure and the integer value 2
> * is returned for server failure / error.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param org[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization objects
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 Successful Business Updating.
> * <li>1 Unsuccessful Business Updating / Updating Business not found.
> * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] updateBusiness(String sid, OrganizationImpl org[]) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to update registered service information like service name, service description, service binding
> * description, and accessurl to the given public/private registry server?s publish URL. The updating status of an
> * integer value 0 is returned for successful updating of the existing service whereas the integer value 1 is returned
> * for updating service failure and the integer value 2 is returned for server failure / error.
> * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param orgids[] Array of Valid Organization ID Strings
> * @param srv[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceImpl objects
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 Successful Service Updating.
> * <li>1 Unsuccessful Service Updating / Updating Service not found.
> * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] updateServiceByUrl(String publishurl[], String username[], String password[], String businessid[], ServiceImpl srv[]) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to update registered service information like service name, service description, service binding
> * description, and accessurl from the default public registry server?s publish URL (set by the setDefaultPublishUrl()
> * method). The updating status of an integer value 0 is returned for successful updating of the existing service
> * whereas the integer value 1 is returned for updating service failure and the integer value 2 is returned for
> * server failure / error.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param orgids[] Array of Valid Organization ID Strings
> * @param srv[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceImpl objects
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 Successful Service Updating.
> * <li>1 Unsuccessful Service Updating / Updating Service not found.
> * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] updateService(String sid, String businessid[], ServiceImpl org[]) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to update registered service binding information like service binding description, and accessurl to
> * the given public/private registry server?s publish URL. The updating status of an integer value 0 is returned for
> * successful updating of the existing service binding whereas the integer value 1 is returned for updating service binding
> * failure and the integer value 2 is returned for server failure / error.
> * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param srvids[] Array of Valid Service ID Strings
> * @param srvbdg[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceBindingImpl objects
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 Successful Service Binding Updating.
> * <li>1 Unsuccessful Service Binding Updating / Updating Service Binding not found.
> * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] updateServiceBindingByUrl(String publishurl[], String username[], String password[], String serviceid[], ServiceBindingImpl srvbdg[]) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to update registered service binding information like service binding description, and accessurl
> * from the default public registry server?s publish URL (set by the setDefaultPublishUrl() method). The updating
> * status of an integer value 0 is returned for successful updating of the existing service binding whereas the
> * integer value 1 is returned for updating service binding failure and the integer value 2 is returned for server
> * failure / error.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param srvids[] Array of Valid Service ID Strings
> * @param srvbdg[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceBindingImpl objects
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 Successful Service Binding Updating.
> * <li>1 Unsuccessful Service Binding Updating / Updating Service Binding not found.
> * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] updateServiceBinding(String sid, String businessid[], ServiceBindingImpl org[]) throws RemoteException;
> * This method is used to update registered category information like classification scheme type, classification scheme name,
> * and classification description to the given public/private registry server?s publish URL. The updating status of an
> * integer value 0 is returned for successful updating of the existing category whereas the integer value 1 is returned for
> * updating category failure and the integer value 2 is returned for server failure / error.
> * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param cat[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationSchemeImpl objects
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 Successful Category Updating.
> * <li>1 Unsuccessful Category Updating / Updating Category not found.
> * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] updateCategoryByUrl(String publishurl[], String username[], String password[], ClassificationSchemeImpl category[]) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to update registered category information like classification scheme type, classification scheme name,
> * and classification description from the default public registry server?s publish URL (set by the setDefaultPublishUrl()
> * method). The updating status of an integer value 0 is returned for successful updating of the existing category whereas
> * the integer value 1 is returned for updating category failure and the integer value 2 is returned for server
> * failure / error.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param cat[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationSchemeImpl objects
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 Successful Category Updating.
> * <li>1 Unsuccessful Category Updating / Updating Category not found.
> * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] updateCategory(String sid, ClassificationSchemeImpl org[]) throws RemoteException;
> * This method is used to update registered concept information like concept names, concept description, etc. to the
> * given public/private registry server?s publish URL. The updating status of an integer value 0 is returned for
> * successful updating of the existing concept whereas the integer value 1 is returned for updating concept failure and
> * the integer value 2 is returned for server failure / error.
> * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param cpt[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ConceptImpl objects
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 Successful Concept Updating.
> * <li>1 Unsuccessful Concept Updating / Updating Concept not found.
> * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] updateConceptByUrl(String publishurl[], String username[], String password[], ConceptImpl cpt[]) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to update registered concept information like concept names, concept description, etc. from the
> * default public registry server?s publish URL (set by the setDefaultPublishUrl() method). The updating status of
> * an integer value 0 is returned for successful updating of the existing concept whereas the integer value 1 is
> * returned for updating concept failure and the integer value 2 is returned for server failure / error.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param cpt[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ConceptImpl objects
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 Successful Concept Updating.
> * <li>1 Unsuccessful Concept Updating / Updating Concept not found.
> * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] updateConcept(String sid, ConceptImpl org[]) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to register new business information like business name, business description, contact
> * person name, contact telephone number, and contact email address to the private/public default registry
> * server?s publish URL (by setDefaultPublishUrl() method). The registration status of an UUID string is
> * returned for successful registration of the new business whereas the null string is returned for registration failure.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param org[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization objects
> * @return String[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>UUID if the business information has been successfully registered with the default private/public registry servers.
> * <li>null if the business information has not been registered (failure) with the default private/public registry servers.
> * </ul>
> */
> public String[] registerBusiness(String sid, OrganizationImpl org[]) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to register new category information like classification scheme type, classification scheme name,
> * and classification scheme description with the given public registry server?s publish URL. The registration status
> * of an UUID string is returned for successful registration of the new category whereas the null string is returned
> * for registration failure.
> * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param cat[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationSchemeImpl objects
> * @return String[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>UUID if the category information has been successfully registered with the specified private/public registry servers.
> * <li>null if the category information has not been registered (failure) with the specified private/public registry servers.
> * </ul>
> */
> public String[] registerCategoryByUrl(String publishurl[], String username[], String password[], ClassificationSchemeImpl category[]) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to register new category information like classification scheme type, classification scheme name,
> * and classification scheme description with the default private/public registry server?s publish URL (set by the
> * setDefaultPublishUrl() method). The registration status of an UUID string is returned for successful registration
> * of the new category whereas the null string is returned for registration failure.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param cat[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationSchemeImpl objects
> * @return String[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>UUID if the category information has been successfully registered with the default private/public registry servers.
> * <li>null if the category information has not been registered (failure) with the default private/public registry servers.
> * </ul>
> */
> public String[] registerCategory(String sid, ClassificationSchemeImpl category[]) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to register new concept information like concept name, concept description, and external link to the
> * default private/public registry server?s publish URL (set by the setDefaultPublishUrl() method). The registration status
> * of an UUID string is returned for successful registration of the new concept whereas the null string is returned for
> * registration failure.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param cpt[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ConceptImpl objects
> * @return String[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>UUID if the concept information has been successfully registered with the default private/public registry servers.
> * <li>null if the concept information has not been registered (failure) with the default private/public registry servers.
> * </ul>
> */
> public String[] registerConcept(String sid, ConceptImpl concept[]) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to register new service information like business id, service name, service description, service
> * binding description, and service access URI with the given public registry server?s publish URL. The registration
> * status of an UUID string is returned for successful registration of the new service whereas the null string is
> * returned for registration failure.
> * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param orgid[] Array of Valid Organization ID Strings
> * @param srv[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceImpl objects
> * @return String[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>UUID if the service information has been successfully registered with the specified private/public registry servers.
> * <li>null if the service information has not been registered (failure) with the specified private/public registry servers.
> * </ul>
> */
> public String[] registerServiceByUrl(String publishurl[], String username[], String password[], String businessid[], ServiceImpl sinfo[]) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to register service binding information like service binding description, and accessurl to
> * the given public/private registry server?s publish URL. The registration status of an UUID string is returned for
> * successful registration of the new service binding whereas the null string is returned for server failure / error.
> * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param srvid[] Array of Valid Service ID Strings
> * @param srvbdg[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceBindingImpl objects
> * @return String[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>UUID if the service binding information has been successfully registered with the specified private/public registry servers.
> * <li>null if the service binding information has not been registered (failure) with the specified private/public registry servers.
> * </ul>
> */
> public String[] registerServiceBindingByUrl(String publishurl[], String username[], String password[], String serviceid[], ServiceBindingImpl sinfo[]) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to register concept information like concept names, concept description, etc. to the given
> * public/private registry server?s publish URL. The registration status of an UUID string is returned for successful
> * registration of the new concept whereas the null string is returned for server failure / error.
> * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param cpt[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ConceptImpl objects
> * @return String[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>UUID if the concept information has been successfully registered with the specified private/public registry servers.
> * <li>null if the concept information has not been registered (failure) with the specified private/public registry servers.
> * </ul>
> */
> public String[] registerConceptByUrl(String publishurl[], String username[], String password[], ConceptImpl cptinfo[]) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to register new service information like business id, service name, service description, service
> * binding description, and service access URI to the default private/public registry server?s publish URL (set by the
> * setDefaultPublishUrl() method). The registration status of an UUID string is returned for successful registration of
> * the new service whereas the null string is returned for registration failure.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param orgid[] Array of Valid Organization ID Strings
> * @param srv[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceImpl objects
> * @return String[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>UUID if the service information has been successfully registered with the default private/public registry servers.
> * <li>null if the service information has not been registered (failure) with the default private/public registry servers.
> * </ul>
> */
> public String[] registerService(String sid, String businessid[], ServiceImpl sinfo[]) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to register new service binding information like service id, service binding description,
> * and service binding access URI to the default private/public registry server?s publish URL (set by the
> * setDefaultPublishUrl() method). The registration status of an UUID string is returned for successful
> * registration of the new service binding whereas the null string is returned for registration failure.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param srvid[] Array of Valid Service ID Strings
> * @param srvbdg[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceBindingImpl objects
> * @return String[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>UUID if the service binding information has been successfully registered with the default private/public registry servers.
> * <li>null if the service binding information has not been registered (failure) with the default private/public registry servers.
> * </ul>
> */
> public String[] registerServiceBinding(String sid, String serviceid[], ServiceBindingImpl sinfo[]) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to retrieve all the businesses based on business ids from the default private/public registry server.
> * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param orgids[] Array of Valid Organization ID Strings
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>orginfo[] if the business ids has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the business ids could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public Organization[] viewBusinessesByKey(String inquiryurl[], String businessid[]) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to search the specified public registry server?s inquiry URL for business information like
> * business id, business name, business description, contact person name, contact telephone number, and
> * contact email address based on the exact business name. A object array containing business information is
> * returned upon successful retrieval of the business information whereas an empty object ("") is returned upon
> * business name search failure.
> * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param orgname Exact Organization Name
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>orginfo[] if the business name has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the business name could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public Organization[] viewBusinessByName(String inquiryurl[], String businessname) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to search the specified public registry server?s inquiry URL for business information like
> * business id, business name, business description, contact person name, contact telephone number, and contact
> * email address based on the business name (wild card). A object array containing business information is returned
> * upon successful retrieval of the business information whereas an empty object ("") is returned upon business name
> * search failure.
> * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param orgname Organization Name (Wild Card)
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>orginfo[] if the business name has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the business name could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public Organization[] viewBusinessByUrl(String inquiryurl[], String businessname) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to search the private/public default registry server?s inquiry URL (set by the
> * setDefaultInquiryUrl() method) for business information like business id, business name,
> * business description, contact person name, contact telephone number, and contact email address based on
> * the business name (wild card). A object array containing business information is returned upon successful
> * retrieval of the business information whereas an empty object ("") is returned upon business name search failure.
> * @param sid Session Id.
> * @param orgname Organization Name (Wild Card)
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>orginfo[] if the business name has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the business name could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public Organization[] viewBusiness(String sid, String businessname) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to search the specified public registry server?s inquiry URL for category information
> * like classification scheme type, classification scheme name, and classification scheme description based
> * on the exact classification scheme name. A object array containing category information is returned
> * upon successful retrieval of the category information whereas an empty object ("") is returned upon
> * category name search failure.
> * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param catname Exact ClassificationScheme Name
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationSchemeImpl[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>catinfo[] if the category name has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the category name could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public ClassificationScheme[] viewCategoryByName(String inquiryurl[], String categoryid) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to search the specified public registry server?s inquiry URL for category information like
> * classification scheme type, classification scheme name, and classification scheme description based on the
> * classification scheme name (wild card). A object array containing category information is returned upon
> * successful retrieval of the category information whereas an empty object ("") is returned upon category
> * name search failure.
> * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param catname ClassificationScheme Name (Wild Card)
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationSchemeImpl[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>catinfo[] if the category name has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the category name could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public ClassificationScheme[] viewCategoryByUrl(String inquiryurl[], String categoryid) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to search the default public registry server?s inquiry URL (set by the setDefaultInquiryUrl()
> * method) for category information like classification scheme type, classification scheme name, and classification
> * scheme description based on the classification scheme name (wild card). A object array containing category information
> * is returned upon successful retrieval of the category information whereas an empty object ("") is returned upon
> * wild card classification name search failure.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param catname ClassificationScheme Name (Wild Card)
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationSchemeImpl[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>catinfo[] if the category name has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the category name could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public ClassificationScheme[] viewCategory(String sid, String categoryid) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to search the default private/public registry server?s inquiry URL (set by the setDefaultInquiryUrl()
> * method) for service binding information like service binding id, service binding description, and service binding access
> * URI based on the service binding id. A object array containing service binding information is returned upon
> * successful retrieval of the service binding information whereas an empty object ("") is returned upon service binding id
> * search failure.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param srvbdgid Valid Service Binding Id
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceBindingImpl[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>srvbdginfo[] if the service binding id has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the service binding id could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public ServiceBinding[] viewServiceBinding(String sid, String conceptid) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to search the default private/public registry server?s inquiry URL (set by the setDefaultInquiryUrl()
> * method) for concept information like concept id, concept name, concept description, and external link based on the
> * concept name (wild card). A object array containing concept information is returned upon successful retrieval of the
> * concept information whereas an empty object ("") is returned upon wild card concept name search failure.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param cptname Concept Name (Wild Card)
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ConceptImpl[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>cptinfo[] if the concept name has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the concept name could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public Concept[] viewConcept(String sid, String conceptid) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to search the default private/public registry server?s inquiry URL (set by the setDefaultInquiryUrl()
> * method) for service information like service id, service name, service description, service binding description, and
> * service access URI based on the service name (wild card). A object array containing service information is returned upon
> * successful retrieval of the service information whereas an empty object ("") is returned upon wild card service name search failure.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param srvname Service Name (Wild Card)
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceImpl[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>srvinfo[] if the service name has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the service name could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public Service[] viewService(String sid, String servicename) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to search the given public registry server inquiry URL for service information like service
> * id, service name, service description, service binding description, and service access URI based on the exact
> * service name. A object array containing service information is returned upon successful retrieval of the
> * service information whereas an empty object ("") is returned upon service name search failure.
> * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param srvname Exact Service Name
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceImpl[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>srvinfo[] if the service name has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the service name could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public Service[] viewServiceByName(String inquiryurl[], String servicename) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to search the given public registry server inquiry URL for service information like
> * service id, service name, service description, service binding description, and service access URI
> * based on the service name (wild card). A object array containing service information is returned upon
> * successful retrieval of the service information whereas an empty array ("") is returned upon service
> * name search failure.
> * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param srvname Service Name (Wild Card)
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceImpl[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>srvinfo[] if the service name has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the service name could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public Service[] viewServiceByUrl(String inquiryurl[], String servicename) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to delete service binding information (like service binding id, service binding description, and
> * service access URI) from the specified public registry server?s publish URL, based on the service id. An integer
> * (int) value of "0" is returned upon successful deletion of the service binding information whereas the value "1" is
> * returned if the service binding id could not be found in the registry server and of the value "2" is returned upon
> * service binding information deletion failure.
> * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param srvbdgids[] Array of Valid Service Binding ID Strings
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 if the service binding ids has been found and hence the service binding information has been successfully deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>1 if the service binding ids could not be found and hence the service binding information was not deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>2 if the service binding information has not been deleted (failure) from the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] deleteServiceBindingByUrl(String publishurl[], String username[], String password[], String srvbdgid[]) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to retrieve all the services based on service ids from the default private/public registry server.
> * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param srvids[] Array of Valid Service ID Strings
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceImpl[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>srvinfo[] if the service ids has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the service ids could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public Service[] viewServicesByKey(String inquiryurl[], String serviceid[]) throws RemoteException;
> * This method is used to retrieve all the service bindings based on service binding ids from the default private/public registry server.
> * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param srvbdgids[] Array of Valid Service Binding ID Strings
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceBindingImpl[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>srvbdginfo[] if the service binding ids has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the service binding ids could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public ServiceBinding[] viewServiceBindingsByKey(String inquiryurl[], String srvbdgid[]) throws RemoteException;
> * This method is used to retrieve all the categories based on ClassificationScheme ids from the default private/public
> * registry server.
> * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param catids[] Array of Valid ClassificationScheme ID Strings
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationSchemeImpl[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>catinfo[] if the category ids has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the category ids could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public ClassificationScheme[] viewCategoriesByKey(String inquiryurl[], String categoryid[]) throws RemoteException;
> * This method is used to retrieve all the concepts based on concept ids from the default private/public registry server.
> * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param cptids[] Array of Valid Concept ID Strings
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ConceptImpl[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>cptinfo[] if the concept ids has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the concept ids could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public Concept[] viewConceptsByKey(String inquiryurl[], String categoryid[]) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to search the given public registry server inquiry URL for concept information like concept
> * id, concept name, concept description, etc. based on the exact concept name. A Concept object array containing
> * concept information is returned upon successful retrieval of the concept information whereas an empty object ("")
> * is returned upon concept name search failure.
> * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param cptname Exact Concept Name
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ConceptImpl[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>cptinfo[] if the concept name has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the concept name could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public Concept[] viewConceptByName(String inquiryurl[], String categoryid) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to search the given public registry server inquiry URL for concept information like concept
> * id, concept name, concept description, etc. based on the concept name(wild card). A Concept object array containing
> * concept information is returned upon successful retrieval of the concept information whereas an empty object ("") is
> * returned upon concept name search failure.
> * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param cptname Concept Name (Wild Card)
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ConceptImpl[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>cptinfo[] if the concept name has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the concept name could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public Concept[] viewConceptByUrl(String inquiryurl[], String categoryid) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to delete business information (like business id, business name, business description, contact person name,
> * contact telephone number, and contact email address) from the specified public registry server?s publish URL, based on the
> * business id. An integer (int) value of "0" is returned upon successful deletion of the business information whereas the value
> * "1" is returned if business id could not be found in the registry server and the value "2" is returned upon business information
> * deletion failure.
> * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param orgids[] Array of Valid Organization ID Strings
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 if the business ids has been found and hence the business information has been successfully deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>1 if the business ids could not be found and hence the business information was not deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>2 if the business information has not been deleted (failure) from the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] deleteBusinessByUrl(String publishurl[], String username[], String password[], String businesskey[]) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to delete business information (like business id, business name, business description, contact person
> * name, contact telephone number, and contact email address) from the default public registry server?s publish URL (set by
> * the setDefaultPublishUrl() method), based on the business id. An integer (int) value of "0" is returned upon successful
> * deletion of the business information whereas the value "1" is returned if business id could not be found in the registry
> * server and the value "2" is returned upon business information deletion failure.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param orgids[] Array of Valid Organization ID Strings
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 if the business ids has been found and hence the business information has been successfully deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>1 if the business ids could not be found and hence the business information was not deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>2 if the business information has not been deleted (failure) from the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] deleteBusiness(String sid, String businesskey[]) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to delete category information (like classification scheme id, classification scheme type, classification
> * scheme name, and classification scheme description) from the specified public registry server?s publish URL, based on the
> * category id. An integer (int) value of "0" is returned upon successful deletion of the category information whereas the value
> * "1" is returned if the category id could not be found in the registry server and the value "2" is returned upon category
> * information deletion failure.
> * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param catids[] Array of Valid ClassificationScheme ID Strings
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 if the category ids has been found and hence the category information has been successfully deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>1 if the category ids could not be found and hence the category information was not deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>2 if the category information has not been deleted (failure) from the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] deleteCategoryByUrl(String publishurl[], String username[], String password[], String categoryid[]) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to delete concept information (like concept id, concept name, concept description, etc.) from
> * the specified public registry server?s publish URL, based on the concept id. An integer (int) value of "0" is returned
> * upon successful deletion of the concept information whereas the value "1" is returned if the concept id could not be
> * found in the registry server and of the value "2" is returned upon concept information deletion failure.
> * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param cptids[] Array of Valid Concept ID Strings
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 if the concept ids has been found and hence the concept information has been successfully deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>1 if the concept ids could not be found and hence the concept information was not deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>2 if the concept information has not been deleted (failure) from the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] deleteConceptByUrl(String publishurl[], String username[], String password[], String conceptid[]) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to delete category information (like classification scheme id, classification scheme type, classification
> * scheme name, and classification scheme description) from the default public registry server?s publish URL (set by the
> * setDefaultPublishUrl() method), based on the category id. An integer (int) value of "0" is returned upon successful deletion
> * of the category information whereas the value "1" is returned if the category id could not be found in the registry server
> * and the value "2" is returned upon category information deletion failure.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param catids[] Array of Valid ClassificationScheme ID Strings
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 if the category ids has been found and hence the category information has been successfully deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>1 if the category ids could not be found and hence the category information was not deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>2 if the category information has not been deleted (failure) from the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] deleteCategory(String sid, String categorykey[]) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to delete concept information (like concept id, concept name, concept description, and external link)
> * from the default public registry server?s publish URL (set by the setDefaultPublishUrl() method), based on the concept id.
> * An integer (int) value of "0" is returned upon successful deletion of the concept information whereas the value "1" is
> * returned if the concept id could not be found in the registry server and of the value "2" is returned upon concept
> * information deletion failure.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param cptids[] Array of Valid Concept ID Strings
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 if the concept ids has been found and hence the concept information has been successfully deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>1 if the concept ids could not be found and hence the concept information was not deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>2 if the concept information has not been deleted (failure) from the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] deleteConcept(String sid, String conceptkey[]) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to delete service information (like service id, service name, service description, service binding description,
> * and service access URI) from the specified public registry server?s publish URL, based on the service id. An integer (int) value
> * of "0" is returned upon successful deletion of the service information whereas the value "1" is returned if the service id
> * could not be found in the registry server and of the value "2" is returned upon service information deletion failure.
> * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param srvids[] Array of Valid Service ID Strings
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 if the service ids has been found and hence the service information has been successfully deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>1 if the service ids could not be found and hence the service information was not deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>2 if the service information has not been deleted (failure) from the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] deleteServiceByUrl(String publishurl[], String username[], String password[], String servicekey[]) throws RemoteException;
> /**
> * This method is used to delete service information (like service id, service name, service description, service binding
> * description, and service access URI) from the default public registry server?s publish URL (set by the setDefaultPublishUrl()
> * method), based on the service id. An integer (int) value of "0" is returned upon successful deletion of the service
> * information whereas the value "1" is returned if the service id could not be found in the registry server and of the
> * value "2" is returned upon service information deletion failure.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param srvids[] Array of Valid Service ID Strings
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 if the service ids has been found and hence the service information has been successfully deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>1 if the service ids could not be found and hence the service information was not deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>2 if the service information has not been deleted (failure) from the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] deleteService(String sid, String servicekey[]) throws RemoteException;
> * This method is used to delete service binding information (like service binding id, service binding description, and
> * service binding access URI) from the default public registry server?s publish URL (set by the setDefaultPublishUrl()
> * method), based on the service binding id. An integer (int) value of "0" is returned upon successful deletion of the
> * service binding information whereas the value "1" is returned if the service binding id could not be found in the
> * registry server and of the value "2" is returned upon service binding information deletion failure.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param srvbdgids[] Array of Valid Service Binding ID Strings
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 if the service binding ids has been found and hence the service binding information has been successfully deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>1 if the service binding ids could not be found and hence the service binding information was not deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>2 if the service information has not been deleted (failure) from the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] deleteServiceBinding(String sid, String servicekey[]) throws RemoteException;
>package org.jssl.serviceregistry;
>import org.jssl.serviceregistry.src.managebusiness.*;
>import org.jssl.serviceregistry.src.managecategory.*;
>import org.jssl.serviceregistry.src.manageservice.*;
>import org.jssl.serviceregistry.src.manageservicebinding.*;
>import org.jssl.serviceregistry.src.manageconcept.*;
>import org.jssl.serviceregistry.dac.registryaccess.*;
>import org.jssl.serviceregistry.uti.registryaccess.RegistryInquiryUrl;
>import org.jssl.serviceregistry.uti.registryaccess.RegistryPublishUrl;
>import com.sun.xml.registry.uddi.infomodel.*;
>import javax.xml.registry.infomodel.*;
>import java.util.Vector;
>import java.rmi.*;
>public class RegistryImpl implements RegistryIF
> private ServiceRegistry sr = new ServiceRegistry();
> /**
> * This method is used to set the default private/public registry server?s publish URL.
> * @param purl[] RegistryPublishUrl Object with the following attributes
> * publishurl Publish URL of the private/public registry server.
> * proxyhost Proxy host of the private/public registry server.
> * proxyport Proxy port of the private/public registry server.
> * username Valid Username registered with the private/public registry server.
> * password Valid Password registered with the private/public registry server.
> * @param uname Client Username.
> * @param pword Client Password.
> * @return String
> * <ul>
> * <li>sid Session Id.
> * </ul>
> */
> public String setDefaultPublishUrl(RegistryPublishUrl purl[], String uname, String pword) {
> return sr.setDefaultPublishUrl(purl, uname, pword);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to get the default private/public registry server?s publish URL.
> * @param sid Session Id.
> * @return purl[] RegistryPublishUrl Object with the following attributes
> * <ul>
> * <li>publishurl Publish URL of the private/public registry server.
> * <li>proxyhost Proxy host of the private/public registry server.
> * <li>proxyport Proxy port of the private/public registry server.
> * <li>username Valid Username registered with the private/public registry server.
> * <li>password Valid Password registered with the private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public RegistryPublishUrl[] getDefaultPublishUrl(String sid) {
> return sr.getDefaultPublishUrl(sid);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to set the default private/public registry server?s inquiry URL.
> * @param qurl[] RegistryInquiryUrl Object with the following attributes
> * inquiryurl Inquiry URL of the private/public registry server.
> * proxyhost Proxy host of the private/public registry server.
> * proxyport Proxy port of the private/public registry server.
> * username Valid Username registered with the private/public registry server.
> * password Valid Password registered with the private/public registry server.
> * @param uname Client Username.
> * @param pword Client Password.
> * @return String
> * <ul>
> * <li>sid Session Id.
> * </ul>
> */
> public String setDefaultInquiryUrl(RegistryInquiryUrl qurl[], String uname, String pword) {
> return sr.setDefaultInquiryUrl(qurl, uname, pword);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to get the default private/public registry server?s inquiry URL.
> * @param sid Session Id.
> * @return qurl[] RegistryInquiryUrl Object with the following attributes
> * <ul>
> * <li>inquiryurl Inquiry URL of the private/public registry server.
> * <li>proxyhost Proxy host of the private/public registry server.
> * <li>proxyport Proxy port of the private/public registry server.
> * <li>username Valid Username registered with the private/public registry server.
> * <li>password Valid Password registered with the private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public RegistryInquiryUrl[] getDefaultInquiryUrl(String sid) {
> return sr.getDefaultInquiryUrl(sid);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to register new business information like business name, business description,
> * contact person name, contact telephone number, and contact email address to the given public/private
> * registry server?s publish URL. The registration status of an UUID string is returned for successful
> * registration of the new business whereas the null string is returned for registration failure.
> * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param org[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization objects
> * @return String[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>UUID if the business information has been successfully registered with the specified private/public registry servers.
> * <li>null if the business information has not been registered (failure) with the specified private/public registry servers.
> * </ul>
> */
> public String[] registerBusinessByUrl(String publishurl[], String username[], String password[], OrganizationImpl org[]) {
> return sr.registerBusinessByUrl(publishurl, username, password, org);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to update registered business information like business name, business description, contact
> * person name, contact telephone number, and contact email address to the given public/private registry server?s
> * publish URL. The updating status of an integer value 0 is returned for successful updating of the existing business
> * whereas the integer value 1 is returned for updating business failure and the integer value 2 is returned for
> * server failure / error.
> * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param org[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization objects
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 Successful Business Updating.
> * <li>1 Unsuccessful Business Updating / Updating Business not found.
> * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] updateBusinessByUrl(String publishurl[], String username[], String password[], OrganizationImpl org[]) {
> return sr.updateBusinessByUrl(publishurl, username, password, org);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to update registered business information like business name, business description, contact person
> * name, contact telephone number, and contact email address from the default public registry server?s publish URL
> * (set by the setDefaultPublishUrl() method). The updating status of an integer value 0 is returned for successful updating
> * of the existing business whereas the integer value 1 is returned for updating business failure and the integer value 2
> * is returned for server failure / error.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param org[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization objects
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 Successful Business Updating.
> * <li>1 Unsuccessful Business Updating / Updating Business not found.
> * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] updateBusiness(String sid, OrganizationImpl org[]) {
> return sr.updateBusiness(sid, org);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to update registered service information like service name, service description, service binding
> * description, and accessurl to the given public/private registry server?s publish URL. The updating status of an
> * integer value 0 is returned for successful updating of the existing service whereas the integer value 1 is returned
> * for updating service failure and the integer value 2 is returned for server failure / error.
> * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param orgids[] Array of Valid Organization ID Strings
> * @param srv[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceImpl objects
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 Successful Service Updating.
> * <li>1 Unsuccessful Service Updating / Updating Service not found.
> * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] updateServiceByUrl(String publishurl[], String username[], String password[], String businessid[], ServiceImpl srv[]) {
> return sr.updateServiceByUrl(publishurl, username, password, businessid, srv);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to update registered service information like service name, service description, service binding
> * description, and accessurl from the default public registry server?s publish URL (set by the setDefaultPublishUrl()
> * method). The updating status of an integer value 0 is returned for successful updating of the existing service
> * whereas the integer value 1 is returned for updating service failure and the integer value 2 is returned for
> * server failure / error.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param orgids[] Array of Valid Organization ID Strings
> * @param srv[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceImpl objects
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 Successful Service Updating.
> * <li>1 Unsuccessful Service Updating / Updating Service not found.
> * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] updateService(String sid, String businessid[], ServiceImpl org[]) {
> return sr.updateService(sid, businessid, org);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to update registered service binding information like service binding description, and accessurl to
> * the given public/private registry server?s publish URL. The updating status of an integer value 0 is returned for
> * successful updating of the existing service binding whereas the integer value 1 is returned for updating service binding
> * failure and the integer value 2 is returned for server failure / error.
> * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param srvids[] Array of Valid Service ID Strings
> * @param srvbdg[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceBindingImpl objects
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 Successful Service Binding Updating.
> * <li>1 Unsuccessful Service Binding Updating / Updating Service Binding not found.
> * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] updateServiceBindingByUrl(String publishurl[], String username[], String password[], String serviceid[], ServiceBindingImpl srvbdg[]) {
> return sr.updateServiceBindingByUrl(publishurl, username, password, serviceid, srvbdg);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to update registered service binding information like service binding description, and accessurl
> * from the default public registry server?s publish URL (set by the setDefaultPublishUrl() method). The updating
> * status of an integer value 0 is returned for successful updating of the existing service binding whereas the
> * integer value 1 is returned for updating service binding failure and the integer value 2 is returned for server
> * failure / error.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param srvids[] Array of Valid Service ID Strings
> * @param srvbdg[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceBindingImpl objects
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 Successful Service Binding Updating.
> * <li>1 Unsuccessful Service Binding Updating / Updating Service Binding not found.
> * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] updateServiceBinding(String sid, String businessid[], ServiceBindingImpl org[]) {
> return sr.updateServiceBinding(sid, businessid, org);
> }
> * This method is used to update registered category information like classification scheme type, classification scheme name,
> * and classification description to the given public/private registry server?s publish URL. The updating status of an
> * integer value 0 is returned for successful updating of the existing category whereas the integer value 1 is returned for
> * updating category failure and the integer value 2 is returned for server failure / error.
> * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param cat[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationSchemeImpl objects
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 Successful Category Updating.
> * <li>1 Unsuccessful Category Updating / Updating Category not found.
> * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] updateCategoryByUrl(String publishurl[], String username[], String password[], ClassificationSchemeImpl category[]) {
> return sr.updateCategoryByUrl(publishurl, username, password, category);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to update registered category information like classification scheme type, classification scheme name,
> * and classification description from the default public registry server?s publish URL (set by the setDefaultPublishUrl()
> * method). The updating status of an integer value 0 is returned for successful updating of the existing category whereas
> * the integer value 1 is returned for updating category failure and the integer value 2 is returned for server
> * failure / error.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param cat[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationSchemeImpl objects
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 Successful Category Updating.
> * <li>1 Unsuccessful Category Updating / Updating Category not found.
> * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] updateCategory(String sid, ClassificationSchemeImpl org[]) {
> return sr.updateCategory(sid, org);
> }
> * This method is used to update registered concept information like concept names, concept description, etc. to the
> * given public/private registry server?s publish URL. The updating status of an integer value 0 is returned for
> * successful updating of the existing concept whereas the integer value 1 is returned for updating concept failure and
> * the integer value 2 is returned for server failure / error.
> * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param cpt[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ConceptImpl objects
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 Successful Concept Updating.
> * <li>1 Unsuccessful Concept Updating / Updating Concept not found.
> * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] updateConceptByUrl(String publishurl[], String username[], String password[], ConceptImpl cpt[]) {
> return sr.updateConceptByUrl(publishurl, username, password, cpt);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to update registered concept information like concept names, concept description, etc. from the
> * default public registry server?s publish URL (set by the setDefaultPublishUrl() method). The updating status of
> * an integer value 0 is returned for successful updating of the existing concept whereas the integer value 1 is
> * returned for updating concept failure and the integer value 2 is returned for server failure / error.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param cpt[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ConceptImpl objects
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 Successful Concept Updating.
> * <li>1 Unsuccessful Concept Updating / Updating Concept not found.
> * <li>2 Any Server Failure / Error
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] updateConcept(String sid, ConceptImpl org[]) {
> return sr.updateConcept(sid, org);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to register new business information like business name, business description, contact
> * person name, contact telephone number, and contact email address to the private/public default registry
> * server?s publish URL (by setDefaultPublishUrl() method). The registration status of an UUID string is
> * returned for successful registration of the new business whereas the null string is returned for registration failure.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param org[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization objects
> * @return String[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>UUID if the business information has been successfully registered with the default private/public registry servers.
> * <li>null if the business information has not been registered (failure) with the default private/public registry servers.
> * </ul>
> */
> public String[] registerBusiness(String sid, OrganizationImpl org[]) {
> return sr.registerBusiness(sid, org);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to register new category information like classification scheme type, classification scheme name,
> * and classification scheme description with the given public registry server?s publish URL. The registration status
> * of an UUID string is returned for successful registration of the new category whereas the null string is returned
> * for registration failure.
> * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param cat[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationSchemeImpl objects
> * @return String[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>UUID if the category information has been successfully registered with the specified private/public registry servers.
> * <li>null if the category information has not been registered (failure) with the specified private/public registry servers.
> * </ul>
> */
> public String[] registerCategoryByUrl(String publishurl[], String username[], String password[], ClassificationSchemeImpl category[]) {
> return sr.registerCategoryByUrl(publishurl, username, password, category);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to register new category information like classification scheme type, classification scheme name,
> * and classification scheme description with the default private/public registry server?s publish URL (set by the
> * setDefaultPublishUrl() method). The registration status of an UUID string is returned for successful registration
> * of the new category whereas the null string is returned for registration failure.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param cat[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationSchemeImpl objects
> * @return String[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>UUID if the category information has been successfully registered with the default private/public registry servers.
> * <li>null if the category information has not been registered (failure) with the default private/public registry servers.
> * </ul>
> */
> public String[] registerCategory(String sid, ClassificationSchemeImpl category[]) {
> return sr.registerCategory(sid, category);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to register new concept information like concept name, concept description, and external link to the
> * default private/public registry server?s publish URL (set by the setDefaultPublishUrl() method). The registration status
> * of an UUID string is returned for successful registration of the new concept whereas the null string is returned for
> * registration failure.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param cpt[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ConceptImpl objects
> * @return String[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>UUID if the concept information has been successfully registered with the default private/public registry servers.
> * <li>null if the concept information has not been registered (failure) with the default private/public registry servers.
> * </ul>
> */
> public String[] registerConcept(String sid, ConceptImpl concept[]) {
> return sr.registerConcept(sid, concept);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to register new service information like business id, service name, service description, service
> * binding description, and service access URI with the given public registry server?s publish URL. The registration
> * status of an UUID string is returned for successful registration of the new service whereas the null string is
> * returned for registration failure.
> * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param orgid[] Array of Valid Organization ID Strings
> * @param srv[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceImpl objects
> * @return String[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>UUID if the service information has been successfully registered with the specified private/public registry servers.
> * <li>null if the service information has not been registered (failure) with the specified private/public registry servers.
> * </ul>
> */
> public String[] registerServiceByUrl(String publishurl[], String username[], String password[], String businessid[], ServiceImpl sinfo[]) {
> return sr.registerServiceByUrl(publishurl, username, password, businessid, sinfo);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to register service binding information like service binding description, and accessurl to
> * the given public/private registry server?s publish URL. The registration status of an UUID string is returned for
> * successful registration of the new service binding whereas the null string is returned for server failure / error.
> * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param srvid[] Array of Valid Service ID Strings
> * @param srvbdg[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceBindingImpl objects
> * @return String[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>UUID if the service binding information has been successfully registered with the specified private/public registry servers.
> * <li>null if the service binding information has not been registered (failure) with the specified private/public registry servers.
> * </ul>
> */
> public String[] registerServiceBindingByUrl(String publishurl[], String username[], String password[], String serviceid[], ServiceBindingImpl sinfo[]) {
> return sr.registerServiceBindingByUrl(publishurl, username, password, serviceid, sinfo);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to register concept information like concept names, concept description, etc. to the given
> * public/private registry server?s publish URL. The registration status of an UUID string is returned for successful
> * registration of the new concept whereas the null string is returned for server failure / error.
> * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param cpt[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ConceptImpl objects
> * @return String[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>UUID if the concept information has been successfully registered with the specified private/public registry servers.
> * <li>null if the concept information has not been registered (failure) with the specified private/public registry servers.
> * </ul>
> */
> public String[] registerConceptByUrl(String publishurl[], String username[], String password[], ConceptImpl cptinfo[]) {
> return sr.registerConceptByUrl(publishurl, username, password, cptinfo);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to register new service information like business id, service name, service description, service
> * binding description, and service access URI to the default private/public registry server?s publish URL (set by the
> * setDefaultPublishUrl() method). The registration status of an UUID string is returned for successful registration of
> * the new service whereas the null string is returned for registration failure.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param orgid[] Array of Valid Organization ID Strings
> * @param srv[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceImpl objects
> * @return String[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>UUID if the service information has been successfully registered with the default private/public registry servers.
> * <li>null if the service information has not been registered (failure) with the default private/public registry servers.
> * </ul>
> */
> public String[] registerService(String sid, String businessid[], ServiceImpl sinfo[]) {
> return sr.registerService(sid, businessid, sinfo);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to register new service binding information like service id, service binding description,
> * and service binding access URI to the default private/public registry server?s publish URL (set by the
> * setDefaultPublishUrl() method). The registration status of an UUID string is returned for successful
> * registration of the new service binding whereas the null string is returned for registration failure.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param srvid[] Array of Valid Service ID Strings
> * @param srvbdg[] Array of javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceBindingImpl objects
> * @return String[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>UUID if the service binding information has been successfully registered with the default private/public registry servers.
> * <li>null if the service binding information has not been registered (failure) with the default private/public registry servers.
> * </ul>
> */
> public String[] registerServiceBinding(String sid, String serviceid[], ServiceBindingImpl sinfo[]) {
> return sr.registerServiceBinding(sid, serviceid, sinfo);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to retrieve all the businesses based on business ids from the default private/public registry server.
> * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param orgids[] Array of Valid Organization ID Strings
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>orginfo[] if the business ids has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the business ids could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public Organization[] viewBusinessesByKey(String inquiryurl[], String businessid[]) {
> return sr.viewBusinessesByKey(inquiryurl, businessid);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to search the specified public registry server?s inquiry URL for business information like
> * business id, business name, business description, contact person name, contact telephone number, and
> * contact email address based on the exact business name. A object array containing business information is
> * returned upon successful retrieval of the business information whereas an empty object ("") is returned upon
> * business name search failure.
> * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param orgname Exact Organization Name
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>orginfo[] if the business name has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the business name could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public Organization[] viewBusinessByName(String inquiryurl[], String businessname) {
> return sr.viewBusinessByName(inquiryurl, businessname);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to search the specified public registry server?s inquiry URL for business information like
> * business id, business name, business description, contact person name, contact telephone number, and contact
> * email address based on the business name (wild card). A object array containing business information is returned
> * upon successful retrieval of the business information whereas an empty object ("") is returned upon business name
> * search failure.
> * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param orgname Organization Name (Wild Card)
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>orginfo[] if the business name has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the business name could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public Organization[] viewBusinessByUrl(String inquiryurl[], String businessname) {
> return sr.viewBusinessByUrl(inquiryurl, businessname);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to search the private/public default registry server?s inquiry URL (set by the
> * setDefaultInquiryUrl() method) for business information like business id, business name,
> * business description, contact person name, contact telephone number, and contact email address based on
> * the business name (wild card). A object array containing business information is returned upon successful
> * retrieval of the business information whereas an empty object ("") is returned upon business name search failure.
> * @param sid Session Id.
> * @param orgname Organization Name (Wild Card)
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.Organization[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>orginfo[] if the business name has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the business name could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public Organization[] viewBusiness(String sid, String businessname) {
> return sr.viewBusiness(sid, businessname);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to search the specified public registry server?s inquiry URL for category information
> * like classification scheme type, classification scheme name, and classification scheme description based
> * on the exact classification scheme name. A object array containing category information is returned
> * upon successful retrieval of the category information whereas an empty object ("") is returned upon
> * category name search failure.
> * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param catname Exact ClassificationScheme Name
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationSchemeImpl[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>catinfo[] if the category name has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the category name could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public ClassificationScheme[] viewCategoryByName(String inquiryurl[], String categoryid) {
> return sr.viewCategoryByName(inquiryurl, categoryid);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to search the specified public registry server?s inquiry URL for category information like
> * classification scheme type, classification scheme name, and classification scheme description based on the
> * classification scheme name (wild card). A object array containing category information is returned upon
> * successful retrieval of the category information whereas an empty object ("") is returned upon category
> * name search failure.
> * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param catname ClassificationScheme Name (Wild Card)
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationSchemeImpl[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>catinfo[] if the category name has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the category name could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public ClassificationScheme[] viewCategoryByUrl(String inquiryurl[], String categoryid) {
> return sr.viewCategoryByUrl(inquiryurl, categoryid);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to search the default public registry server?s inquiry URL (set by the setDefaultInquiryUrl()
> * method) for category information like classification scheme type, classification scheme name, and classification
> * scheme description based on the classification scheme name (wild card). A object array containing category information
> * is returned upon successful retrieval of the category information whereas an empty object ("") is returned upon
> * wild card classification name search failure.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param catname ClassificationScheme Name (Wild Card)
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationSchemeImpl[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>catinfo[] if the category name has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the category name could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public ClassificationScheme[] viewCategory(String sid, String categoryid) {
> return sr.viewCategory(sid, categoryid);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to search the default private/public registry server?s inquiry URL (set by the setDefaultInquiryUrl()
> * method) for service binding information like service binding id, service binding description, and service binding access
> * URI based on the service binding id. A object array containing service binding information is returned upon
> * successful retrieval of the service binding information whereas an empty object ("") is returned upon service binding id
> * search failure.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param srvbdgid Valid Service Binding Id
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceBindingImpl[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>srvbdginfo[] if the service binding id has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the service binding id could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public ServiceBinding[] viewServiceBinding(String sid, String conceptid) {
> return sr.viewServiceBinding(sid, conceptid);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to search the default private/public registry server?s inquiry URL (set by the setDefaultInquiryUrl()
> * method) for concept information like concept id, concept name, concept description, and external link based on the
> * concept name (wild card). A object array containing concept information is returned upon successful retrieval of the
> * concept information whereas an empty object ("") is returned upon wild card concept name search failure.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param cptname Concept Name (Wild Card)
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ConceptImpl[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>cptinfo[] if the concept name has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the concept name could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public Concept[] viewConcept(String sid, String conceptid) {
> return sr.viewConcept(sid, conceptid);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to search the default private/public registry server?s inquiry URL (set by the setDefaultInquiryUrl()
> * method) for service information like service id, service name, service description, service binding description, and
> * service access URI based on the service name (wild card). A object array containing service information is returned upon
> * successful retrieval of the service information whereas an empty object ("") is returned upon wild card service name search failure.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param srvname Service Name (Wild Card)
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceImpl[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>srvinfo[] if the service name has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the service name could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public Service[] viewService(String sid, String servicename) {
> return sr.viewService(sid, servicename);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to search the given public registry server inquiry URL for service information like service
> * id, service name, service description, service binding description, and service access URI based on the exact
> * service name. A object array containing service information is returned upon successful retrieval of the
> * service information whereas an empty object ("") is returned upon service name search failure.
> * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param srvname Exact Service Name
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceImpl[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>srvinfo[] if the service name has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the service name could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public Service[] viewServiceByName(String inquiryurl[], String servicename) {
> return sr.viewServiceByName(inquiryurl, servicename);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to search the given public registry server inquiry URL for service information like
> * service id, service name, service description, service binding description, and service access URI
> * based on the service name (wild card). A object array containing service information is returned upon
> * successful retrieval of the service information whereas an empty array ("") is returned upon service
> * name search failure.
> * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param srvname Service Name (Wild Card)
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceImpl[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>srvinfo[] if the service name has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the service name could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public Service[] viewServiceByUrl(String inquiryurl[], String servicename) {
> return sr.viewServiceByUrl(inquiryurl, servicename);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to delete service binding information (like service binding id, service binding description, and
> * service access URI) from the specified public registry server?s publish URL, based on the service id. An integer
> * (int) value of "0" is returned upon successful deletion of the service binding information whereas the value "1" is
> * returned if the service binding id could not be found in the registry server and of the value "2" is returned upon
> * service binding information deletion failure.
> * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param srvbdgids[] Array of Valid Service Binding ID Strings
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 if the service binding ids has been found and hence the service binding information has been successfully deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>1 if the service binding ids could not be found and hence the service binding information was not deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>2 if the service binding information has not been deleted (failure) from the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] deleteServiceBindingByUrl(String publishurl[], String username[], String password[], String srvbdgid[]) {
> return sr.deleteServiceBindingByUrl(publishurl, username, password, srvbdgid);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to retrieve all the services based on service ids from the default private/public registry server.
> * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param srvids[] Array of Valid Service ID Strings
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceImpl[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>srvinfo[] if the service ids has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the service ids could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public Service[] viewServicesByKey(String inquiryurl[], String serviceid[]) {
> return sr.viewServicesByKey(inquiryurl, serviceid);
> }
> * This method is used to retrieve all the service bindings based on service binding ids from the default private/public registry server.
> * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param srvbdgids[] Array of Valid Service Binding ID Strings
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ServiceBindingImpl[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>srvbdginfo[] if the service binding ids has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the service binding ids could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public ServiceBinding[] viewServiceBindingsByKey(String inquiryurl[], String srvbdgid[]) {
> return sr.viewServiceBindingsByKey(inquiryurl, srvbdgid);
> }
> * This method is used to retrieve all the categories based on ClassificationScheme ids from the default private/public
> * registry server.
> * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param catids[] Array of Valid ClassificationScheme ID Strings
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ClassificationSchemeImpl[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>catinfo[] if the category ids has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the category ids could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public ClassificationScheme[] viewCategoriesByKey(String inquiryurl[], String categoryid[]) {
> return sr.viewCategoriesByKey(inquiryurl, categoryid);
> }
> * This method is used to retrieve all the concepts based on concept ids from the default private/public registry server.
> * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param cptids[] Array of Valid Concept ID Strings
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ConceptImpl[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>cptinfo[] if the concept ids has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the concept ids could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public Concept[] viewConceptsByKey(String inquiryurl[], String categoryid[]) {
> return sr.viewConceptsByKey(inquiryurl, categoryid);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to search the given public registry server inquiry URL for concept information like concept
> * id, concept name, concept description, etc. based on the exact concept name. A Concept object array containing
> * concept information is returned upon successful retrieval of the concept information whereas an empty object ("")
> * is returned upon concept name search failure.
> * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param cptname Exact Concept Name
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ConceptImpl[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>cptinfo[] if the concept name has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the concept name could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public Concept[] viewConceptByName(String inquiryurl[], String categoryid) {
> return sr.viewConceptByName(inquiryurl, categoryid);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to search the given public registry server inquiry URL for concept information like concept
> * id, concept name, concept description, etc. based on the concept name(wild card). A Concept object array containing
> * concept information is returned upon successful retrieval of the concept information whereas an empty object ("") is
> * returned upon concept name search failure.
> * @param inquiryurl[] Inquiry URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param cptname Concept Name (Wild Card)
> * @return javax.xml.registry.infomodel.ConceptImpl[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>cptinfo[] if the concept name has been found in the given private/public registry server.
> * <li>"" if the concept name could not be found (failure) in the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public Concept[] viewConceptByUrl(String inquiryurl[], String categoryid) {
> return sr.viewConceptByUrl(inquiryurl, categoryid);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to delete business information (like business id, business name, business description, contact person name,
> * contact telephone number, and contact email address) from the specified public registry server?s publish URL, based on the
> * business id. An integer (int) value of "0" is returned upon successful deletion of the business information whereas the value
> * "1" is returned if business id could not be found in the registry server and the value "2" is returned upon business information
> * deletion failure.
> * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param orgids[] Array of Valid Organization ID Strings
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 if the business ids has been found and hence the business information has been successfully deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>1 if the business ids could not be found and hence the business information was not deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>2 if the business information has not been deleted (failure) from the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] deleteBusinessByUrl(String publishurl[], String username[], String password[], String businesskey[]) {
> return sr.deleteBusinessByUrl(publishurl, username, password, businesskey);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to delete business information (like business id, business name, business description, contact person
> * name, contact telephone number, and contact email address) from the default public registry server?s publish URL (set by
> * the setDefaultPublishUrl() method), based on the business id. An integer (int) value of "0" is returned upon successful
> * deletion of the business information whereas the value "1" is returned if business id could not be found in the registry
> * server and the value "2" is returned upon business information deletion failure.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param orgids[] Array of Valid Organization ID Strings
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 if the business ids has been found and hence the business information has been successfully deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>1 if the business ids could not be found and hence the business information was not deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>2 if the business information has not been deleted (failure) from the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] deleteBusiness(String sid, String businesskey[]) {
> return sr.deleteBusiness(sid, businesskey);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to delete category information (like classification scheme id, classification scheme type, classification
> * scheme name, and classification scheme description) from the specified public registry server?s publish URL, based on the
> * category id. An integer (int) value of "0" is returned upon successful deletion of the category information whereas the value
> * "1" is returned if the category id could not be found in the registry server and the value "2" is returned upon category
> * information deletion failure.
> * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param catids[] Array of Valid ClassificationScheme ID Strings
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 if the category ids has been found and hence the category information has been successfully deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>1 if the category ids could not be found and hence the category information was not deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>2 if the category information has not been deleted (failure) from the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] deleteCategoryByUrl(String publishurl[], String username[], String password[], String categoryid[]) {
> return sr.deleteCategoryByUrl(publishurl, username, password, categoryid);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to delete concept information (like concept id, concept name, concept description, etc.) from
> * the specified public registry server?s publish URL, based on the concept id. An integer (int) value of "0" is returned
> * upon successful deletion of the concept information whereas the value "1" is returned if the concept id could not be
> * found in the registry server and of the value "2" is returned upon concept information deletion failure.
> * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param cptids[] Array of Valid Concept ID Strings
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 if the concept ids has been found and hence the concept information has been successfully deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>1 if the concept ids could not be found and hence the concept information was not deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>2 if the concept information has not been deleted (failure) from the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] deleteConceptByUrl(String publishurl[], String username[], String password[], String conceptid[]) {
> return sr.deleteConceptByUrl(publishurl, username, password, conceptid);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to delete category information (like classification scheme id, classification scheme type, classification
> * scheme name, and classification scheme description) from the default public registry server?s publish URL (set by the
> * setDefaultPublishUrl() method), based on the category id. An integer (int) value of "0" is returned upon successful deletion
> * of the category information whereas the value "1" is returned if the category id could not be found in the registry server
> * and the value "2" is returned upon category information deletion failure.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param catids[] Array of Valid ClassificationScheme ID Strings
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 if the category ids has been found and hence the category information has been successfully deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>1 if the category ids could not be found and hence the category information was not deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>2 if the category information has not been deleted (failure) from the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] deleteCategory(String sid, String categorykey[]) {
> return sr.deleteCategory(sid, categorykey);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to delete concept information (like concept id, concept name, concept description, and external link)
> * from the default public registry server?s publish URL (set by the setDefaultPublishUrl() method), based on the concept id.
> * An integer (int) value of "0" is returned upon successful deletion of the concept information whereas the value "1" is
> * returned if the concept id could not be found in the registry server and of the value "2" is returned upon concept
> * information deletion failure.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param cptids[] Array of Valid Concept ID Strings
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 if the concept ids has been found and hence the concept information has been successfully deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>1 if the concept ids could not be found and hence the concept information was not deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>2 if the concept information has not been deleted (failure) from the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] deleteConcept(String sid, String conceptkey[]) {
> return sr.deleteConcept(sid, conceptkey);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to delete service information (like service id, service name, service description, service binding description,
> * and service access URI) from the specified public registry server?s publish URL, based on the service id. An integer (int) value
> * of "0" is returned upon successful deletion of the service information whereas the value "1" is returned if the service id
> * could not be found in the registry server and of the value "2" is returned upon service information deletion failure.
> * @param publishurl[] Publish URLs of the private/public registry servers
> * @param username[] Valid Usernames registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param password[] Valid Passwords registered with the private/public registry servers.
> * @param srvids[] Array of Valid Service ID Strings
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 if the service ids has been found and hence the service information has been successfully deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>1 if the service ids could not be found and hence the service information was not deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>2 if the service information has not been deleted (failure) from the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] deleteServiceByUrl(String publishurl[], String username[], String password[], String servicekey[]) {
> return sr.deleteServiceByUrl(publishurl, username, password, servicekey);
> }
> /**
> * This method is used to delete service information (like service id, service name, service description, service binding
> * description, and service access URI) from the default public registry server?s publish URL (set by the setDefaultPublishUrl()
> * method), based on the service id. An integer (int) value of "0" is returned upon successful deletion of the service
> * information whereas the value "1" is returned if the service id could not be found in the registry server and of the
> * value "2" is returned upon service information deletion failure.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param srvids[] Array of Valid Service ID Strings
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 if the service ids has been found and hence the service information has been successfully deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>1 if the service ids could not be found and hence the service information was not deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>2 if the service information has not been deleted (failure) from the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] deleteService(String sid, String servicekey[]) {
> return sr.deleteService(sid, servicekey);
> }
> * This method is used to delete service binding information (like service binding id, service binding description, and
> * service binding access URI) from the default public registry server?s publish URL (set by the setDefaultPublishUrl()
> * method), based on the service binding id. An integer (int) value of "0" is returned upon successful deletion of the
> * service binding information whereas the value "1" is returned if the service binding id could not be found in the
> * registry server and of the value "2" is returned upon service binding information deletion failure.
> * @param sid Session Id
> * @param srvbdgids[] Array of Valid Service Binding ID Strings
> * @return int[]
> * <ul>
> * <li>0 if the service binding ids has been found and hence the service binding information has been successfully deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>1 if the service binding ids could not be found and hence the service binding information was not deleted from the specified private/public registry server.
> * <li>2 if the service information has not been deleted (failure) from the specified private/public registry server.
> * </ul>
> */
> public int[] deleteServiceBinding(String sid, String servicekey[]) {
> return sr.deleteServiceBinding(sid, servicekey);
> }

There is only one me, I must live myself!
There is only one today, I must live itself!