Re: WSDL over secure HTTP and multiple ports/endpoints

From: Arun Gupta <>
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2003 19:15:59 -0600

Hi Sharib,

Please see inline responses ...

On Thu, 4 Sep 2003 19:29:19 +0800, Sharib Anis <sharib.anis_at_WILABS.COM>

>I have a couple of problems while deploying a service over secure HTTP
>(basic auth.).
>Firstly, how does a client get the WSDL, to create the stub artifacts?
>On running wscompile, I always get HTTP 401 error.

Once your service is deployed correctly, WSDL is accessible by appending
?WSDL to your service endpoint.

>I tried to implement two endpoints, one secure (for the service) and one
>non-secure (for the WSDL), but am not sure how to do it. Basically I

Can you please explain what do you mean by setting a non-secure endpoint for
the WSDL ?

>should be able to modify the jaxrpc-ri.xml for multiple end-points. The
>documentation for this is full of typos. E.g.

If you are using basic authentication, then you also need to setup security
information in web.xml such as ...


>Taken from :
> (BTW,
>this does not even exist in the latest tutorial docs... What's going on

Please let us know what exactly are you looking for in the tutorial and I'll
try to provide you with the relevant information.

Thanks for your interest in JAX-RPC.


>If the service has multiple endpoints, you should specify the port and
>WSDL for each endpoint. The following jaxrpc-ri.xml snippet has multiple
> name="vendor"
> displayName=")"
> description="Vendor example endpoint"
> interface="com.buzzmurph.vendor.VendorPortType"
> model="/WEB-INF/vendor.xml.gz"
> wsdl="/WEB-INF/VendorImpl.wsdl"/>
> name="supplier"
> displayName=")"
> description="Supplier example endpoint"
> interface="com.buzzmurph.supplier.SupplierPortType"
> port="}SupplierPort"
> model="/WEB-INF/supplier.xml.gz"
> wsdl="/WEB-INF/SupplierImpl.wsdl"/>
> endpointName="vendor"
> urlPattern="/act/vendor"/>
> endpointName="supplier"
> urlPattern="/ord/supplier"/>
>Any help will greatly appreciated!