Re: Urgent - How can I solve this error when I compile and process-war my WEB SERVICE Interface and Implementation ?

From: Ramasamy S/O Valliappan <rama_at_SIMTECH.A-STAR.EDU.SG>
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2003 23:41:19 +0800

I start from JAVA to expose some of the JAXR API capabilities to publish, inquire and delete some information in the UDDI Registry Server.
My interface and implementation java codes are attached.

        -----Original Message-----
        From: Arun Gupta [mailto:Arun.Gupta_at_SUN.COM]
        Sent: Thu 9/11/2003 10:00 PM
        Subject: Re: Urgent - How can I solve this error when I compile and process-war my WEB SERVICE Interface and Implementation ?

        Depending upon whether you are starting from Java or WSDL, can you post
        your interface or WSDL ?
        Thanks for your interest in JAX-RPC.
        Ramasamy S/O Valliappan wrote:
> [echo] Running wsdeploy....
> [exec] info: created temporary directory: D:\Jwsdp\docs\tutorial\examples\j
> [exec] info: processing endpoint: ServiceRegistry
> [exec] error: invalid type for JAX-RPC structure: javax.xml.registry.LifeCy
> [exec] info: created output war file: D:\Jwsdp\docs\tutorial\examples\jaxrp
> [exec] info: removed temporary directory: D:\Jwsdp\docs\tutorial\examples\j