Re: J2SE runtime System, Discovery And Registration

From: Anne Thomas Manes <anne_at_MANES.NET>
Date: Thu, 02 May 2002 07:56:11 -0400


First point -- don't confuse the reference implementation with the
specification. More details below...

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Public discussion on JAX-RPC
> [mailto:JAXRPC-INTEREST_at_JAVA.SUN.COM]On Behalf Of Deepth Dinesan
> Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 5:27 AM
> Subject: J2SE runtime System, Discovery And Registration
> Dear nerds,
> <Naive Doubt n0=1 >
> The Spec Says that the runtime system for JAX-RPC could be
> 1. J2SE
> 2. Servlet Container 2.3
> 3. J2EE container
> But the spec(or rather myself) is unclear about 1.
> JAX-RPC makes use of JAXRPCServlet ..for sending the SOAP Messages.
> Doesnt it ?
> Or Rather what Do I need to do/How to deploy my Web Service
> using JAX-RPC to
> run on J2SE ?
> </Naive>

The current JAX-RPC reference implementation only supports deployment within
a servlet. The spec says that it can be deployed in other ways.

Systinet WASP (which will add support for JAX-RPC in two weeks) can be
deployed as an embedded server within NetBeans/Forte, JBuilder, or Eclipse;
it can be deployed standalone in J2SE as an HTTP application or as an SMTP
client; it can be deployed as a servlet (it's most usual deployment
configuration); and it can be deployed as a JMS client or a message-driven
bean in a J2EE container.

> <Novice>
> Also the spec mentions Service discovery and registration as out
> of scope .
> Why is That so?
> </Novice>

Service discovery and registration (talking to a service registry such as
UDDI or ebXML reg/rep) is being addressed by the JAXR API (Java API for XML

> <Complex types>
> I have an application which I need to expose as a web service.
> However the methods
> returns "application defined types " . Meaning I need to sit long
> hours and
> plug the Serializers and Deserializers myself.
> Can there be a way to have a "Generic Type" for which the
> serializer/ deserializer
> will be built in . Something like CompositeData, TabularData type ?
> And hence I would spend time on converting the "user Defined
> Types" and "Collections"
> to Complex or Tabular Data Type (for which the
> serializers/deserializer are already available)
> Dunno If am thinking sense .
> </Complex Types>

Have you tried creating a JavaBean to represent your application-defined
types? WASP can usually automatically map your types when given a JavaBean

> Thanks and Regards
> Deepth Dinesan


Anne Thomas Manes
Chief Technology Officer
617-868-2224 x1543 (land)
617-642-3144 (mobile)