My question(s) are really based on the functionality of JAXRPCServlet.
1. Do I need to use the JAXRPCServlet (the endpoint) that comes with jaxrpc-ri.jar in order to expose my session bean method as a webservice using jaxrpc?
2. If I do use it, how will it know how to call my session bean. Will it do JNDI ? How does it know what type of Java class, my web service implementation is written in (Remote Object/EJB/Regular Java Class).
3. When an HTTP request comes in with SOAP content to the JAXRPCServlet, is it responsible in calling the appropriate jaxrpc-api classes, so that the SOAP message gets parsed & the appropriate web service method is called with correct Java arguments. Or is that done by something else ?
A response to any or all of these questions will be appreciated.