Re: Info Needed on JAXRPCServlet

From: Katz, Guy <Guy_Katz_at_ICOMVERSE.COM>
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 13:50:01 +0200

1.if you chose jax-rpc to expose your service with. than the jaxrpc servlet
is a convinience servlet that encapsulates the service invocation process.
of course you can put another servlet instead but you will than have to
write some code that is allready writen for you in the RI.

2.well, i am not quite sure on this one. to bypass this, when you have a
bean that should be called to get a service,you can wrap it by coding your
remote interface and implementation regular class such that it makes the
call to the bean. so,a when the jaxrpc servlet is invoked it will pass the
method call to the regular class which delegates it to the ejb. i never
tried to bind the ejb itself as the implementation object so i cant really
answer this(i am not sure if thats possible)

3.without going to internal implementation issues, you are correct. the
jaxrpc servlet gets a soap message over http it examines it, takes all the
data it needs and than dispatches the method call to the service
implementation object to eventually return the response message.

-----Original Message-----
From: Niket Phatak [mailto:niket_phatak_at_HOTMAIL.COM]
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 3:58 AM
Subject: Info Needed on JAXRPCServlet

My question(s) are really based on the functionality of JAXRPCServlet.

1. Do I need to use the JAXRPCServlet (the endpoint) that comes with
jaxrpc-ri.jar in order to expose my session bean method as a webservice
using jaxrpc?

2. If I do use it, how will it know how to call my session bean. Will it do
JNDI ? How does it know what type of Java class, my web service
implementation is written in (Remote Object/EJB/Regular Java Class).

3. When an HTTP request comes in with SOAP content to the JAXRPCServlet, is
it responsible in calling the appropriate jaxrpc-api classes, so that the
SOAP message gets parsed & the appropriate web service method is called with
correct Java arguments. Or is that done by something else ?

A response to any or all of these questions will be appreciated.