Re: Info Needed on JAXRPCServlet

From: Katz, Guy <Guy_Katz_at_ICOMVERSE.COM>
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 08:30:31 +0200

i cant really answer that.
i am using a disributed env where my web container is seperate from my ejb
container and therefore i had to use a different class.
any way, i dont even know if its possible to use your bean directly as the
service implementor at the moment.
what you can do is use the J2EE-RI with the jax packages(see instruction on
how to incorporate the two on sun's web site) and see what happens. i would
like to get the answer to this also.

-----Original Message-----
From: Niket Phatak [mailto:niket_phatak_at_HOTMAIL.COM]
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 8:59 PM
Subject: Re: Info Needed on JAXRPCServlet

Thanks for your response. I do have a follow up question.

Regarding making a bean as my implementation class, I did realize that I
would have to wrap the call to my bean in another class which will be the
actual web service deployed. But, since jaxrpc mentions that the deployed
web service class needs to be a remote object (needs to extend
java.rmi.Remote), wouldn't there be overhead in having 2 remote objects,
i.e. the wrapper web service class plus the EJB object which is called by
the web service class. Hence, I was wondering whether the 2 can be